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Invitation to join the live bandscan | SatelliteGuys.US

Invitation to join the live bandscan


Dogs have owners, cats have staff
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Nov 30, 2011
Kansas City

I've consulted with Trip to see about recruiting some more members for the live bandscan he runs. It's a really fantastic tool. There are some cities that don't have live tuners yet, mostly in the mountain West and upper Midwest.

If you have an HD Homerun tuner and an "always-on" PC, I'd invite you to join. It provides very interesting information about over-the-air channels in our cities. It also provides a frame of reference for others who want to see what "real life reception" is like in a given place. If you don't have an HD Homerun tuner, you can purchase a refurbished one at a discount price here.

I have 2 tuners in the Kansas City area, and a friend of mine has several in outstate Kansas providing real-time signal strength information.

If interested, you can PM Trip or myself for more information.

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I'm the author of the live band scan on I'm happy to announce that I've written a version for FM radio stations that broadcast RBDS and am looking for other people to participate. It is at FM reception map

You will need a software defined radio compatible with sdrsharp (also called sdr#) software, the 'FM DX RDS Data Logger' plugin for sdrsharp, and some software I wrote that parses the log files that plugin creates. The plugin doesn't start automatically so there is a limitation that you have to configure and start it each time you start sdr#

I also have something running for GQRX on linux, but it is not ready for prime time. If you are familiar with compiling software, installing packages, etc under linux I can give you some basic instructions. It works on an old laptop I have, and sort of works on a Raspberry Pi 4 (AM and FM-OIRT demodulation is broken, but the band scan part works OK).

Contact me at Substitute XXXX with my user ID on this site.
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