I get the same prompting message when the guide needs updating too. I sub thru Skyvision & some of the channels are on W5. My guess would be that either W5 or G1 are used for this depending on the package you are subbed to. My DSR922 gets hits on either of these sats.
THat's what I'm wondering.So, the DSR922 can get IPG updates from W5 if you subscribe to any W5 programming?
So, the DSR922 can get IPG updates from W5 if you subscribe to any W5 programming?
Just for the heck of it I left my DSR922 on W5, TVGame ch 440, for a few hours today, powered off. It got hits alright but not guide updates. When the info button is pressed on the remote it still prompts that guide information is available on G1.NO the 922 only gets Guide updates from G1-3. When the Motorola datastream goes away 12/31 and a 922 gets remapped for HITS's 410 stream then it will get updates on W5.
My 922 is subbed to W5 on a fixed dish and gets it's hits and remaps there just fine for a few years now. The guide data in minimal showing only the title of the current program airing without any details.
BUT it is getting guide info from that sat?!
Well that is somthing new to me.
I was over there a few days ago, forget which day it was, and the receiver picked up the guide but I walked outside after it was fully loaded and left the receiver sit there on G1/3 and when I returned, the guide info had deleted itself like it was reset or something. Tried again and it did not seem to be working so I moved off the sat. I didn't need their guide anyway, I setup my own online and it has suited me for over 3 yrs now.Talking about the guide I have noticed that there is very little info coming from G1-3 now. I wonder if Motorola isn't experimenting with a trickle down stream that they will use on W5 for us after 12/31. Anybody else notice very little guide data when we update on G1-3?
I still have subs till the end of Sept so I need to take a few hits.
You believe everything NPS tells you?:rant:According to NPS when I called them they told me no one at Motorola is running the guide anymore.
You believe everything NPS tells you?:rant:
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