I'm going to wait until the initial rush is over and visit my AT&T store and see what they'll do for me. I'm only one year into the contract on my 6 so I imagine it will be costly. I'm mostly interested in 3D Touch.
AT&T website or store are the only places you can still receive a subsidized phone. If you have the old unlimited data and do not want to give it up it is still the way to go, the subsidy for 2 years (well 20 months) is $450.
We were going to switch to AT&T but frickin AT&T wants $225 down on their next plan for my wife and I so with taxes it's like $560.00. Sucks because the phones were free over night shipping and we would have gotten them right on release day. Plus they are giving out $300.00 in credits if you switch.
Limited time offer