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Is Dish a Good company?


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 23, 2008
I know this is forum that is all about dish and you all have dish but i do a search on google and all i find is that is a bad company that provides bad service? I hear about all the problems that dish says they don't get the boxs back when you chancel and their CS sucks and their billing is never straight? Is this all true? I hear about the DVR boxs (625) always break and they have to be replaced?
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well from my experience when you search for things on the internet, all you are going to find is the bad because people that have nothing to complain about, don't go out looking for forums like this ;) Anyways, I have had dish for a month or so now and my ViP 722 works GREAT, i love it. I think the over all census on the dish hardware is, it is good stuff though honestly i have nothing to compare it with, but that is my 2 cents.
Well I have been with E* (Dish) since 96 and I have never had any major problems. As with any company these days the CSR's are not the best but normally you can get your problem handled. The bills are not that hard to read, but because they pro-rate everything if you change your programming the bill will have lots of + and -'s on it. As for the DVR's I have never had and big problems with the ones I have had (501,508,510,721 and 622) just small problems that a reboot will fix.
The HD choices aren't the best right now, but once they get there satellite's launched sometime this year (I hope) that will be a problem of the past.

As large service type companies go, Dish (in my experience since 1996) is not bad. I've never felt ripped off or taken advantage of. The offshore CSRs are a plague on the earth, but Dish is far from alone in using them. Certainly, I'm more satisfied with Dish, than any cellular company I've been with.

regards, Eric
I know this is forum that is all about dish and you all have dish but i do a search on google and all i find is that is a bad company that provides bad service? I hear about all the problems that dish says they don't get the boxs back when you chancel and their CS sucks and their billing is never straight? Is this all true? I hear about the DVR boxs (625) always break and they have to be replaced?

wrong, no, wrong, no. I think that was all your questions.
I've had Dish for over six years, and have never had to have a service call. Bill has always been correct, and when I called to do a DIU, CSR was helpful and got everything correct.
You will find a whole lot more people that don't have problems than do, but they don't spout off about the good stuff as much as the people that have had a problem bitch.
I've had Dish since 1999. I've had DirecTV and c-band. I've installed almost every type of satellite service under the sun in the past 30 years.

I liked DirecTV's model. until they started their lease programs. commitment requirements and their comittment extension programs.

For me, since I own and install my own equipment, Dish serves me better. DirecTV might be a better choice for someone else. I am not a TV fanatic. I like the basic tier of cable channels. I've always successfully used and got supurb OTA.
Consumer Reports in their March edition rates Dish Network #4 for digital tv service providers for subscriber satisfaction :)

right behind verizon fios, directv, and bright house cable... followed up by every other big cable company out there
I know this is forum that is all about dish and you all have dish but i do a search on google and all i find is that is a bad company that provides bad service? I hear about all the problems that dish says they don't get the boxs back when you chancel and their CS sucks and their billing is never straight? Is this all true? I hear about the DVR boxs (625) always break and they have to be replaced?
We have had dish for a little more than 10 years. In that time, we have had no issues with Dish at all. A year ago we moved, they set up the appointments for the move and made sure the equipment was working after they came out. We then had HD installed, they came out and got it up and running in no time.

As for billing, we have never had any major issues. It took a while to get the rebate back from the 722, but after waiting a while, we e-mailed Dish and they immediately applied the credit.

As for equipment, during the 10 years we have had probably 6 boxes. One was sent back (it was leased) because we no longer needed it. One we don't have hooked up as we don't need it. 2 others died after about 8 years and had to be replaced. We currently have a 625 (works great, no complaints about it at all) and a 722 (overheated when we first got it. After removing the glass we have not had problems until this weekend when the HDMI quit working all of a sudden. We have NOT called Dish Tech Support about it yet as we had an extra set of Component Cables that we could hook up to it).

I can honestly say dish is not a bad company. I know all you see is complaints. but well thats what people do . They got around 13 mill cust and of course thousands will complain.

I worked for them, while I dont agree with some practices(internally) The customer service side is pretty good.

In my last days, they were pushing very hard on QA and correct information.

People I would take complaints from are the people who didnt read their contracts, didnt know how to use remote.. or were just plain cheap.. I had customers complaining that 14.99 or a basic latino package was to much!

Service calls I dont agree with.. why charge the customer.. but oh well i guess you gotta do what you gotta do?

Overall they are good like any other company. They all got their bad apples.
Well I have had some problems with them. Originally I was supposed to get two $10 credits for 10 months. They only gave me one of them and it literally took 8 months for them to get it right. In the meantime that had actually ADDED $10 to my bill and some months they did it twice. So when I did get my rebate it only offset the extra charges they were hitting me with. By the end my bill was so confusing that I didn't want them to try and fix it I just wanted to start over. The $30 HD pack was a good excuse to do just that and in the meantime get a credit for all the extra charges. That took 4 phone calls but I did get a credit for all the extra HD fees.

Dish CSR's are pretty bad and this goes for Indians and Americans. They will lie to you without blinking an eye. The guy yesterday tried to tell me the extra HD costs were ok because it was offset by the rebate I was getting. To be more insulting he kept saying it was very simple and I didn't deserve any credit. This CSR was in India but I've had bad experiences with Americans too. In fact when I got my credit an American woman entered it wrong and even through she said $80 on the phone she only credited $60. I had called them back to verify the credit because I trust them so little and was not surprised that it was wrong. The guy originally added the extra charges was an American and they guy who eventually fixed the rebate was Indian. Overall I would say about 10-20% of the CSRs I have dealt with were competent. The rest were clueless and very uninterested in helping me get what was rightfully mine.

DISHHD 20.00
DISHHD 10.00
DISHHD 10.00

Yup that's $40 a month just for HD. If I were less assertive they would have continued charging me forever.
If you don't have any problems and don't have to deal with csr, it is a great company. I guess the same thing can be said about any large company.
They are no better or worse than most other commuication providers...of course, most people only post negative comments on the web, so thats why you read so many of them...
I have had zero issues with them in the last 7 months, and when I called with a tech problem or question, I was taken care of with no hassles..
What kindof deal should i be expecting when i call them up because i have cable now and am only looking for the 100+ (hbo and starz added on) with 2 DVR 625 boxs and no commitment? The people that complained the most where when they were canceling there service and sending the boxs back but Dish would say they never got them and charging there credit card like $500-$700?

SATS Earnings Call Thread.

New Channels? Yes? No? I don't care! I'm sticking with Dish :)

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