I have been fighting to just keep the system up and running for the last 2 and a half months with my Charter Television channels. I was missing 29 Channels for the most of that time. It got so bad that I phoned Directv and they will be here Thursday to do the install. I'm really disappointed in Charter though. It started out to be a very good experience, the number of channels was good, the reception was good. But then, one day they must have done something either in updating their software or done something to the line coming into my home, because when it went bad, it really went down hill fast and never recovered. I had charter tech support in my home no less than 5 times. And even at that, I was still fighting with the signal every single day just to try to get those channels I lost back. In the end, I was so fed up that now, I'm glad I'm leaving. Their internet service has been very good. But their television service leaves a lot to be desired, at least in this house anyway. So long Charter, it was good and then not so good to know ya! If you see a flash, it's me running for the door!!!