Went by the junk yard again today looking for some angle iron to make an "L" extension to increase the dish's throw and count.Finally got lucky and got a good heavy piece.
Someone had thrown out a bunch of pizza dishes and internet dishes.All the dishes were warped up except for tiny dishes that I didn't want.(Looked like they bent them intentionally
) I removed the warped parabolics and bought everything else off 4 of the largest. Some had lnb's as well.The largest dish was a Hughes internet dish...I wish it hadn't been pancaked! All that plus the angle iron for $10.
The Hughes and a Directway mounts have adjustable skew.The two others don't have skew,but are good stout mounts.Several of the dishes were either new or almost new...I'm wondering why they were thrown away.I'll try to take some pics tomorrow and post the specifics on them later.I was tearing them down in between times that the magnet crane was being used...so didn't have time to read the model numbers.
One internet dish may have been ok...but the crane operator dropped a refrigerator on it before I could drag it out.
I had to throw the frig off and dig it out afterwards.
Maybe I'll find a use for them someday.
Sorry,got this in the wrong thread.Could a Mod move it please?
Someone had thrown out a bunch of pizza dishes and internet dishes.All the dishes were warped up except for tiny dishes that I didn't want.(Looked like they bent them intentionally

The Hughes and a Directway mounts have adjustable skew.The two others don't have skew,but are good stout mounts.Several of the dishes were either new or almost new...I'm wondering why they were thrown away.I'll try to take some pics tomorrow and post the specifics on them later.I was tearing them down in between times that the magnet crane was being used...so didn't have time to read the model numbers.
One internet dish may have been ok...but the crane operator dropped a refrigerator on it before I could drag it out.

Maybe I'll find a use for them someday.
Sorry,got this in the wrong thread.Could a Mod move it please?