I 'm been thinking of switching to Direct from Dish. One reason is so my wife can have YES, to counter balance my NESN BO Sox. And I can have Fox Business in HD. In anything actually.
So I called Directstartv..1-866-831-8086..on a internet ad. They are their #1 marketers for D*. To find out a few things. I asked [her] if I can hook a external hard drive to their top line HD DVR for more archiving. She said no but you can down load it to a computer through the USB and then load into a External. I said that was not acceptable.
She then said, "well OK then just swap out the hard drive on the DVR for a larger one"......... The silence was me climbing back onto my chair.....I said you allow that? She said "sure". What does it do to the warranty, I asked? "Well it voids the manufacturer's but Direct will still stand behind it if you have the $5mo. protection plan which also covers yadi yadi ...." I said I never even imagined that was acceptable. She said "if you want I can confirm that with a supervisor?" I said go for it. She came back a few minutes later and said "Yes, its fine, just like I told you. If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, any computer store or shop can do it for you".
So there you have it folks. I may be a D* kind of guy real soon. With a
1TB DVR,..
So I called Directstartv..1-866-831-8086..on a internet ad. They are their #1 marketers for D*. To find out a few things. I asked [her] if I can hook a external hard drive to their top line HD DVR for more archiving. She said no but you can down load it to a computer through the USB and then load into a External. I said that was not acceptable.
She then said, "well OK then just swap out the hard drive on the DVR for a larger one"......... The silence was me climbing back onto my chair.....I said you allow that? She said "sure". What does it do to the warranty, I asked? "Well it voids the manufacturer's but Direct will still stand behind it if you have the $5mo. protection plan which also covers yadi yadi ...." I said I never even imagined that was acceptable. She said "if you want I can confirm that with a supervisor?" I said go for it. She came back a few minutes later and said "Yes, its fine, just like I told you. If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, any computer store or shop can do it for you".
So there you have it folks. I may be a D* kind of guy real soon. With a