I decided that it was a good deal and I am now a proud listener of XM.
I have been an XM subscriber for years, and suddenly my radio started acting up (not holding the signal). I called to cancel, and was told that if I remained a customer, they'd send me a new radio for free. I accepted, but after several weeks, no radio. I called them back, and they said sorry, that radio was no longer available, but they had a similar one I could buy for only $99. I told them to forget it, I wanted to cancel and the guy basically said, "OK, you're cancelled, the balance will be refunded within a week." It was refunded, but I was really shocked that they didn't try ANYTHING to keep a 7+ year customer happy or at least try to get me not to cancel. No wonder their days are numbered!
I decided that it was a good deal and I am now a proud listener of XM.
If you don't call before the promotion ends, they will charge you full price. I usually call 3 to 4 days prior and say I want to cancel. They ask why and I say too expensive. They counter with either the 5 month promotion or the year for $85.Are folks having any luck with this after the six months is up. Or will I likely have to pay full price (Or higher than $29.94 for six months)?
Limited time offer