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Just have to comment about MOOV! | SatelliteGuys.US

Just have to comment about MOOV!


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 28, 2004
I just wanted to say I like it! People seriously slam this channel ALL the time and i figured i'd defend it. I watch it alot more then most of the other voom channels to be honest and alot of non vooming friends are impressed by it. I for one would be pretty dissapointed if for some reason they got rid of this stationn.

The channel I have the knife out for is auction.. I'm sure SOMEbody out there watches it, but please, doesn't voom have somewhere better to put its money?
Why do I need a screensaver channel? Rave already plays music and I'd much rather watch a music video then Windows Media Visualizations on my HD!!
Voom has several channels I'm not crazy about. So I don't watch them - crazy, eh? Personally, I like Moov. I also like Windows Media Visualizations for that matter.
unfortunately, it's not as simple as "if you don't like it, don't watch it." if Voom had bandwidth and money to throw around, then it wouldn't matter. But since both are scarced, the question becomes is this how Voom should be using their resources? Does this really help voom? I don't know. A few fans aside, I think Moov overall actually hurts Voom's reputation because it gives an easy target for detractors. In business, as in politics, you know it's deadly to give your opponents something to ridicule you with.
I don't see how its something a competitor could redicule though. Redicule it b/c its a channel they don't have? SOMETIMES, there are color bars that are similar to screensavers, but often times i see other interesting little shorts that people put together. I appreciate something different in t.v. Myself, i watch it alot when i have friends over and we want something on, but we're not paying too much attenion.

"Rave already plays music" well, so does MTV, so I guess we don't need Vh1, fuse, or the digital music channels right. Sorry man, that arguments illogical.

I just got tired of everyone treating MOOV like a stepchild, seems like every other post i read has something neg. to say about it.

3 cheers to the few supporters though.

Personally I can think of 10 things I'd rather see in Moov's slot than Moov this isn't simply MTV already plays music (which they don't) so why have RAVE.. Moov is a channel no one's ever wanted.. in all the years of SD channels no one's thought of "holy crap lets make a color swirly channel!"

It's just a screen saver for your TV or something to stare at while stoned.. FOr that I can get lava lamps.

I'd rather see something like a Bikini/thong channel in HD, a SCI FI HD channel, a channel that runs old reruns of HD sports games in the USA, OR.. add to Moov like TechTV type new techonologies stuff on Moov.. so far it's only stupid colors or TANK on Moov.. keeping a channel that 34,987 people hate but 13 people like is stupid IMO.
In defence of Moov...

I dig it.

Yes, there is always an "I'd rather have X channel" that wins out. I have a couple of those preferred channels myself.

But the fact is NOT that I can't have Country Music Television for the missus because there is some stupid artsy-fartsy channel in the way.

I can't have CMT because CMT costs real money, requires real licensing contracts with Viacom, and creates real competitive pressures within Viacom about the competitive strain on existing distribution contracts.

Let's face it, Moov doesn't cost Comcast much at all. They aren't paying Grad School students top dollar for their art thesis projects.

When they NEED the bandwidth, they'll yank Moov in a Manhattan minute. Right now, it's not "eating up your bandwidth." It's a marketing tool for the brochures and selling the Sears foot-traffic crowd.

I like having a screen saver that I can put on at parties while the stereo plays a variety of music. Rave wouldn't exactly work for this. It would be disconcerting to see the White Stripes frenetic spasms while listening to Nora Jones. It's a great conversation piece that introduces many of my guests to Voom. On poker night, that 52 inch widescreen turns into a mirror to see the cards on one side of the table, but I can turn on Moov and have a neat, non-distracting picture on-screen.

Chill the eff out, folks! We all have that comic strip in the paper that we can't stand, and we all have that Voom channel we don't like. (Tennis channel? Oh good God, what were they thinking!) Yes, Moov is a nice straw man, but it's not inherently evil.

And before you start... divvying up the bandwidth among other channels will not resonate in sales the way one more HD channel tally will to potential customers. They are not going to do this. They are not going to do this. Did I mention that they are not going to do this? It's bad business from a marketing perspective, and this start-up is ALL about the marketing.
StingyScotsman said:
I dig it.

Chill the eff out, folks! We all have that comic strip in the paper that we can't stand, and we all have that Voom channel we don't like. (Tennis channel? Oh good God, what were they thinking!) Yes, Moov is a nice straw man, but it's not inherently evil.

yeah, what is it with Garfield anyway. it's not funny. i do like moov though, in a vegetative sort of way.
StingyScotsman said:
Chill the eff out, folks! We all have that comic strip in the paper that we can't stand, and we all have that Voom channel we don't like. (Tennis channel? Oh good God, what were they thinking!) Yes, Moov is a nice straw man, but it's not inherently evil.

Ok why not take 10 hot college students that need money, pay them some money to walk around in sheer underwear in HD - the Girls Gone Semi-Wild HD Channel.. that would sell more subs than Moov ever will.
I just don't get it... the only reason I got Voom was for the HD content, regardless of whether it suits my taste... all I hear from some of you guys, is get rid of this HD channel or that HD channel or those HD channels to get bandwith for more mbps for the other channels for better picture quality... well, I would like better picture quality, but not at the expense of any HD channel, whether I watch them or not, eventually they're bound to have something on occasion to watch.... use the SD channels (if you need bandwith) as many as you like, even all of them... get the bandwith (mbps) for picture quality and add more HD channels when available... after all, Voom is the HD provider, or is supposed to be... to "H*#L with SD... I want my HDTV....
I like MOOV as well. Last night I happened to catch the melting ice cream clip, pretty cool (no pun intended).

I would like to see the guide contain 1/2 hour segment descriptions for MOOV since it is hit or miss on what they are showing. Ditto with the Auction channel, I've been trying to catch the car auction they keep advertising but I never know when it is on. Gallery is finally showing some descriptions, get with it Voom, if you want us to watch this stuff, let us know what's on, we already know that it's produced in HD, we don't need THAT information.


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