Will let everyone know how it goes once I get it in, get the drive clean of shows, and hook the Expander up.
Will let everyone know how it goes once I get it in, get the drive clean of shows, and hook the Expander up.
I need a little help on this drive myself. I got the WDC 1 TB drive DirecTv recommends and just got the SWM upgrade. 1 time on the HR21-100 out of 20 trys I got a drive corrupt error but all of the other times I got the "checking drive for errors" stuck until I did give up. The new HR 24-500 sticks on the "checking for errors" and never sees the drive. Installing exactly as suggested and not giving up yet. Any advice? I already had to wipe one DVR of all contents so this one has a blank hard drive and I really could use the extra space.If it doesn't look like it's gonna work when you set it up, don't give up, you'll probably get a error Diag. code of some sort, it will ask you to reboot to try to fix the error, give it a try, it will take a while to get this set up, so be patient.
If it still doesn't work, start over and try again, it took me a few trys to get it going, (I'm not using the same one you have, but thought you would want to know.)
Once I got it going, it has worked like a champ, thru regular and CE's and anything else.
I'm using a Seagate 1.5 TB Free Agent Extreme.
My point is, if it doesn't work right out of the box, keep trying.
I need a little help on this drive myself. I got the WDC 1 TB drive DirecTv recommends and just got the SWM upgrade. 1 time on the HR21-100 out of 20 trys I got a drive corrupt error but all of the other times I got the "checking drive for errors" stuck until I did give up. The new HR 24-500 sticks on the "checking for errors" and never sees the drive. Installing exactly as suggested and not giving up yet. Any advice? I already had to wipe one DVR of all contents so this one has a blank hard drive and I really could use the extra space.
I need a little help on this drive myself. I got the WDC 1 TB drive DirecTv recommends and just got the SWM upgrade. 1 time on the HR21-100 out of 20 trys I got a drive corrupt error but all of the other times I got the "checking drive for errors" stuck until I did give up. The new HR 24-500 sticks on the "checking for errors" and never sees the drive. Installing exactly as suggested and not giving up yet. Any advice? I already had to wipe one DVR of all contents so this one has a blank hard drive and I really could use the extra space.
You will love it I currently have 15 episodes of csi miami and another 15 of csi ny because life got busy and I wasn't able to watch them , the freedom of not worry to clear out the dvr so other shows can record is priceless. Plus you can keep soem HD films on it too. I am running and Antech mx-1 cooling enclosure with a seagate 1.5tb drive. It Rocks!!!
Was able to hook it up today. Powered the dvr down, plugged in the WD and powered it up, then powered up the HR24. Popped up during restart and said it was formatting the external drive, so hopefully everything went smoothly.
Seems to be working fine. Gotta setup favs now.
Working well so far. Recorded 2 hours of OTA HD and 4 hours of Sat HD, and it was showing 96% available.
Since installing it, I have seen my HR24 internal temp go from 109-111, to 115-117, which is odd.
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