with Direc TV today. We had Uverse tv (still use them for the internet) and tried Dish for like 2 days and returned....for over a year we have been using Roku for Netflix and Hulu +. So I tried Time Warner since we had a 3D TV. Well when the installer came out this past Sunday...we were told it could take up to 9 hours for the updates and sign here and the guy told me "don't call Time Warner if there is a problem...call me" type of thing...well that didn't set too well with me...so I returned Time Warner the next day. I will say the free on demand of 3D content is pretty cool though...well we were scheduled to get Uverse back out...had an awesome deal too...but checked out Direc TV and wow. Free HD, Free 3D channels our bill will be like 50+ for the 1st year and I even bought the Home Media Center HD DVR...$300.00 instant savings and can record up to 5 shows at a time. I am glad I found this site and cannot wait for the 3D content and hoping Direc TV will be an awesome experience.
By the way how are the 3D channels? I saw ESPN 3D with the short experience with Time Warner. But how is 3Net and N3D? What about On Demand for 3D? Any suggestions and comments I would appreciate it.

By the way how are the 3D channels? I saw ESPN 3D with the short experience with Time Warner. But how is 3Net and N3D? What about On Demand for 3D? Any suggestions and comments I would appreciate it.