Since we have a first movie watched thread, I thought it fitting that we had this thread... Last HD DVD watched for me - Last Samurai, next up 12 Monkeys...
Waiting on T-2 to come in from the UK...
I got my T2 for $14.99 from Amazon... of course, it was Blu... but if you're just talking about HD-DVD:
How is that game by the way?I got my T2 for $14.99 from Amazon... of course, it was Blu... but if you're just talking about HD-DVD:
Last: Apollo 13
Next: The Italian Job or The Hulk, probably (just got my 5 free, haven't watched any of them yet)
Last: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (BD)
Next: The Rock (BD)
Of course, I probably won't be watching any movies until we get caught up on some of our TV watching and I get finished with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
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