Anyone aware of any Cband or KU band shows daily or weekly that teaches Spanish for kids and/or adults?
If you find a Spanish show that is interesting to watch without having to know what is being said, you may pick up some from that. Me and my daughter watch a show in Spanish that is similar to Wipeout and have picked up a bit of Spanish from it.
A friend of mine whose native language is French, she learned English from watching Tv when she first moved here to the states.
What/where is this spanish show similiar to WipeOut?
Great stuff for me. I am going to make an honest effort for my Son and I to learn Spanish.
Of course, you are correct. however, There are some very numerous differences in some words especially slang words. The word Bicho in many areas means a bug. In others its a slang word for penis.I believe (in part by experience) that if you speak Spanish, you can get around easily, regardless of the accent, in any country where Spanish is spoken.
Sure, some words and phrases may be used differently but that´s not a big deal.
Of course, you are correct. however, There are some very numerous differences in some words especially slang words. The word Bicho in many areas means a bug. In others its a slang word for penis.
Good points above.
In time you´ll get those phrases, that´s why it does help a lot to watch tv in Spanish.
To say "I´m hot" when you feel the temperature is hot in a room or any place, translates as "Estoy caliente" and in many Spanish speaking countries, that could trigger some strange looks, as in some countries that also means...."I´m horny".,,, so in Spanish you´d usually say "Hace Calor" which is "It´s hot".
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