I was compiling some programming (as in informational/educational/recreational programs about outdoor related things) for my board at work over the last week. The numbers go from 1997 to the present and I had to look through monthly reports and add up the people that had attended different programs.
I had hard copies for most of it, but a few individual reports were missing. In these cases I could look up the original files on my computer and read them, even though many were in very old versions of Microsoft Word.
I was, however, missing seven month of hard copies from 1999 (must have been a millennial thing). When I looked at the files, they were from a word processor called FullWrite
(FullWrite Professional - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), a long since dead piece of software. It first ran on Mac OS 6 and continued through OS 9. You could run it in Classic mode for those versions of OS X that supported Classic.
I had to dig up and boot the oldest box still in the office
in order to find an OS that could run the application. It was an interesting trip down memory lane. I'd still work in FullWrite if it was supported. In many ways it could STILL compete with the bloat that is MS Word. You can even download the app today, though I don't know what you'd do with it (Free FullWrite Professional™ Document Processor).
I had hard copies for most of it, but a few individual reports were missing. In these cases I could look up the original files on my computer and read them, even though many were in very old versions of Microsoft Word.
I was, however, missing seven month of hard copies from 1999 (must have been a millennial thing). When I looked at the files, they were from a word processor called FullWrite

I had to dig up and boot the oldest box still in the office

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