Hi All,
They told me in Jan that they'd be ITC on satellite by June, but it looks like they've changed their mind...or at least pushed out the decision.
I'll harass them again in October
Dear Jerry,
Thank you for your continuing interest in receiving Link TV from an
unencrypted backhaul. Link TV has decided to reconsider using satellite
backhaul feeds and delay a potential migration from fiber. We should be
making a decision in October, for a potential unencrypted satellite feed
launching January 1, 2007.
Sincerely yours, Roger
Roger G. Macdonald
Director of Research and Information Systems
Link TV and Link Media, Inc.
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:26 AM
Subject: FAQ & Feedback Email from the contact us page
First Name: Jerry
Last Name: Karn
Email Address: jerrykarn@hotmail.com
Zip Code: 48821
Permission to use comment: yes
Date: 01/14/06
Comment/Question: Hello, First, thanks for creating a great channel. I enjoy
LinkTV when visiting friends, but can\'t get it at home with my c/ku band
(big dish) satellite. In June last year I heard you were considering
switching from a fiber backhaul to an in-the-clear satellite feed. Did you
opt to stay with fiber? Many thanks, Jerry Karn
They told me in Jan that they'd be ITC on satellite by June, but it looks like they've changed their mind...or at least pushed out the decision.
I'll harass them again in October

Dear Jerry,
Thank you for your continuing interest in receiving Link TV from an
unencrypted backhaul. Link TV has decided to reconsider using satellite
backhaul feeds and delay a potential migration from fiber. We should be
making a decision in October, for a potential unencrypted satellite feed
launching January 1, 2007.
Sincerely yours, Roger
Roger G. Macdonald
Director of Research and Information Systems
Link TV and Link Media, Inc.
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:26 AM
Subject: FAQ & Feedback Email from the contact us page
First Name: Jerry
Last Name: Karn
Email Address: jerrykarn@hotmail.com
Zip Code: 48821
Permission to use comment: yes
Date: 01/14/06
Comment/Question: Hello, First, thanks for creating a great channel. I enjoy
LinkTV when visiting friends, but can\'t get it at home with my c/ku band
(big dish) satellite. In June last year I heard you were considering
switching from a fiber backhaul to an in-the-clear satellite feed. Did you
opt to stay with fiber? Many thanks, Jerry Karn