Hey everyone been reading the boards for a while since they made the new site for it, but haven't posted yet, heres the question. I just moved out of my parents house after getting married, I had satellite at their house and didn't bring it with me to the apartment, and I committed the eternal sin to something I said I would never ever get again and went back to cable, and just like I knew it would happen they screwed me over on the first bill. Now with all the satellite equipment still at my parents house and everything and with Direct Tv coming out with Rochester NY locals soon, should I get Dish Network back again in the apartment, or should I go with Direct tv and get Direct tivo??? I am tempted to get the direct tivo and everything, but would like to know if it is possible to hook up the 3 headed dish for direct tv by self installation? I already called a local place in the area and they said they cant do installations cause it would have to be done one the side of the building eventhough I told them I was going to have it mounted on a pole, but I know I can mount it on a 2 inch wide pole (steel or PVC both are strong) and have it stand in a cement bucket. I know the pricing of the cement and the bucket will be low, but how much is the hardware going to be for everything? Will it be worth the time to do a self install on the direct tv system, or will it be easier to take the dish network dish down, undo all the wiring, and bring it to the apartment. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated, I am hoping to get everything taken care of by next Friday or something, just need to get away from cable, those cheap freakin idiots. Well thanks again, sorry for the long post.
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays