This is my first post so bear with me if I don't make any sense
My wife and i have cable now and finally have had enough with Time Warner Rate increases, we will be dropping them and their hi-speed cable modem (total cost per month $160). I will go with Verizon EVDO for internet access now, which works pretty good so far, 800kb download speeds. And sign up with DirecTV for cable.
The biggest problem I see so far is getting local channel HD, like Fox, NBC. CBS and ABC, my wife watches a lot of stuff in HD now, like CSI, Las Vegas, Medium, Numbers and House, now if these shows are accessable in HD via the "regular" HD channels in the 200 channel package all is well, but if I have to go thru the local channels for those shows I need to know if I can get them via the satellite dish in my 28465 zip code area.
I see those channels in the DirecTV data base for my location BUT are they HD
, and I can't seem to get a straight answer from DirecTV "sign-er-uppers" that they are true HD and if I will need an over the air antenna or they will come in via the satellite dish?
Any help would be appreciated.
Ron W.

My wife and i have cable now and finally have had enough with Time Warner Rate increases, we will be dropping them and their hi-speed cable modem (total cost per month $160). I will go with Verizon EVDO for internet access now, which works pretty good so far, 800kb download speeds. And sign up with DirecTV for cable.
The biggest problem I see so far is getting local channel HD, like Fox, NBC. CBS and ABC, my wife watches a lot of stuff in HD now, like CSI, Las Vegas, Medium, Numbers and House, now if these shows are accessable in HD via the "regular" HD channels in the 200 channel package all is well, but if I have to go thru the local channels for those shows I need to know if I can get them via the satellite dish in my 28465 zip code area.
I see those channels in the DirecTV data base for my location BUT are they HD

Any help would be appreciated.
Ron W.