I looked up Longview 75605 on antennapoint.com. Don is right; the Antennas Direct 91XG is an excellent choice with a range of over 50 Miles and a very high gain of 16.7 dB. Fox (KFSF) is only 24 miles from you on a compose heading of 211°. NBC (KETK) out of Jackson is 48 miles away on a heading of 224°. Also KYTX (another NBC station) out of Nacogdoches is only 49 miles on a heading of 204°. A 20° beam-width spread is well within the limits of the 91XG for all 3 stations.
I know the second NBC station is repetitive, but it may carry blacked out programming not carried by the other.
To avoid having to run another cable for your OTA antenna, you may piggyback your OTA antenna over the satellite dish (with a "J" pole attachment) and diplex the incoming signal onto your incoming satellite cable, if the OTA antenna can see the towers from your satellite dish location on your roof. At your TV set, you would reverse diplex (split ) the signals back to satellite and OTA.