I just decided to run the qualification again at DTV website and for once my address is correct(sorta). About 3 months ago when I typed my address in for Vermont they said I could pull NBC and ABC from manchester NH. About 65Miles away and 2 big mtn ranges. There was no way in gods green earth i could. And also said I could get CBS from about 30 miles away yet my local CBS affiliate isnt even doing HD OTA only a feed to adelphia cable company. But now it only says I can get CBS. Which is still false LOL. Heres the site if you want to try it out for yourself. I can honestly say if dish dont get thier act together with thier HD package Ill go DTV cause at least with them I can get DNHD service something that dish only offers CBS and to which the CBS affiliate wont give a waiver to dish only to directv.