I have am located about 20 mile slightly SouthWest of Chicago's loop, where the local station transmitters are located. I have been using a $120 Radio Shack roof antenna with a Samsung Sir-T351 tuner feeding a Sony HD monitor. (I attached a 21db amp to the 100 ft cable run.) Since last summer I have had excellent reception on all the local stations (CBS-2,NBC-5,ABC-7,WGN-9,PBS-11,FOX-32,others). However, beginning sometime in November, I suddenly lost all these stations except WGN-9. Never a glimmer of the others. I've checked the antenna and all the connections. I'm baffled. Does anyone have any idea what could have happened? I will hate to have to sign up with Comcast cable. I enjoy and am satisfied with the free programing over the air. Any help would be much appreciated.