I've had a Bell 22" dish with a 9242 receiver for 5 years plus, but last week during the playoffs I noticed the signal breaking up. I used to have readings of high 80s to mid 90s on signal strength. Now Sat 82 is showing high 50s and 91 in the high 60s. Has the foot print change effected me, I'm at 45 degrees, directly east of Minneapolis in central Wisconsin.
Would a larger dish help, what size and where would I purchase such. I've a friend that sells DISH, would one of their dishes work well? Would switching to SHAW improve my signal without buying another dish?
After taking down a 35 foot spruce, no help. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
Would a larger dish help, what size and where would I purchase such. I've a friend that sells DISH, would one of their dishes work well? Would switching to SHAW improve my signal without buying another dish?
After taking down a 35 foot spruce, no help. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.