I'll be upgrading, just not right away.
I'm still using Quicken 2007 and it won't work under Lion and there may be other stuff I use that won't either. This will be the first time I've delayed an OS upgrade because of software support issues.
Mine was the same way..
Besides a few things nothing is really popping out at me...
I am a little concerned about some potential issues with Office 2011; it seems as if Communicator has the most problems, but I don't use it. Just really need Word to be stable, although if necessary I can temporarily work in Pages or ust write in RTF in Devonthink Pro (which has been tested).
Now that has me worried. I use Office 2008, and pretty heavily. If there are word, excel or entourage (outlook) issues, that would be a deal breaker.
For those with OS X, why would you NOT want to update? From what I have seen, this is a pretty impressive OS for MAC
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