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MAD w/VOOM | SatelliteGuys.US



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Apr 4, 2004
:mad: Okay basically I would like to say that this is my first time at this, and I am so mad I don't know were to start. But I thought I needed to get my story out, thinking I was the only one suffering the tragic flaws of new business. I reside in MD and for us VOOM is a new product for satellite service. Once I saw the commercial I was excited by the idea of leaving Comcast cable and venturing with a new aspiring company providing HD content. What was more appealing was the advertisement, of "0.00" installation cost. WOO WOO!! I said to my wife, "this is it". I read the article posted in Sound and Vision mag this past month about VOOM, and was relatively confident this was the service to invest in. Boy was I completely and utterly mistaken. First off, it took two attempts and I am without their service.

First attempt:
I had a week day installation, on a rainy day. If I were an installer, maybe I would be a little pissed, but like the post man that is the nature of the work. He was 45 minutes late, with no courtesy call. Then he states " My townhouse exceeds the 24 ft height regulation and that I would have to pay $185.00 for him to place, what I guessed would be the OTA and dish. I explained that I was not aware of such charges and that not only had VOOM stated it was zero installation, but was not made aware of any exemptions to this offer.

So I got on the phone with customer service, which to no avail, stated I would have to pay since this was regulated charges by the contractor company not VOOM. So figuring I was about to be hood winked, I asked would he take a check. He Stated " no we can only take cash or charge". I replied " who has 100.00 in cash on them and if you had been on time maybe I could have had the money for you. He then stated "I will have to charge you 45.00 for coming out and not installing the service". I was so hot, I should charge you for being 45 minutes late, no thanks.

Second Attempt:
I called VOOM back thinking, retribution is yours....... So the customer service rep stated "no way should I have to pay anything and that I was probably being taken advantage of". Did I complain, yes. So he convinced me to try again by offering me another contractor company for the installation-"Directvision", an omni-directional OTA and a guarantee that service would be installed and victory would be mine.

Guess again my friends.......My date was 4/3 the time btwn 8-12p. Did anyone show, "Hell No!!!!". Did anyone call ahead to say they were running late or not at all "Hell No!!!!". Could I get through to VOOM customer service, after holding for 30 minutes, consecutively, Double "Hell No!!!!"......

Disappointed am I that a new company trying to compete against three types of providers in this market, allows shady contractors to represent their interests. That a company who needs 100% appreciation and satisfaction to gain more loyal subscribers. Did they care to have any idea that I am a geek at heart, electronics super freak. Which by the way knows plenty of people that listens and request my humble opion on what's the SH&@! to have any their home. And lastly, do they understand, that I have the unadulterated access to 100's of HDTV buying, cable purchasing, Satellite dish installing, question asking, no idea what they want, money spending-public to speak too. It will be my doing to tell each person that I come in contact with, to never deal with VOOM and to stick with Comcast, DirectTV or even DishNetwork (which we don't sell).

Now that's how mad I am....So VOOM I promise to affecting your bottom dollar, spread my disgruntle opinion, until you guys get your sh@!-together.



Sorry this is so long.

Hey, Man, Catchy username!!!

I feel your pain 'cause I, too, had my many trials and tribulations first with Dish, telling me they would have HD and the equipment to provide it and then, not showing up and not calling and then telling me they would be there this time, "really", but didn't show then either: 4 friggin' times!!!!

Same with VOOM, who used the same pitiful, piece of s... install company, C.... Electronics on the West Coast.

After too much patience on my part, I finally got VOOM to use a local installer and poof: I'm VOOMing!

The real problem is this: the install outfits that both Dish and VOOM are dealing with are, in my experience, for the most part, rogue scammers with little or no accountability who couldn't care less about your install.

It's too bad, too, because VOOM has a lot to offer for the money and is being held back by their very limited choice of reputable installers, at least in my area.

My advice to you, if you want advice, would be to call around in your area to find out who would be genuinely interested in installing VOOM for you and then give VOOM another call. One thing for sure: once you get VOOM, you'll be happy you did, 'cause HDTV is worthy of some additional patience and effort once you have it in your own home and actually see TV the way it should be.
Installs inc is the guilty party here not voom. tell them to use datalink communications in MD, they did mine in 30 minutes
You have every right to be very angry!!! My toughts: I had one no show and one four hour late. Compalined to Voom and got two $50 credits for the inconvenience. I really watend my HDTV so I went ahead. They now deal with another company in my area and I have more HD than I did in the past. Despite all the start-up isues I am very happy with service.

Wish you luck!

Just remember, these same folks do DirecTV and Dish Network installs, so you aren't alone. Does that make you feel better? :(
Whoever VOOM sends out ... its really luck of the draw on the installer that you get. With VOOM its a little difficult because these installers for the most part have been installing Directv and Dish Ant's which are very easy to install. But being late or charging for a taller house or just not showing up is really the installers unwillingness to deal with a VOOm install. My opinion , it has alot to do with the OTA install. From what I understand is that Directv is going to offer a OTA ANT with their install of a HD Dish. SO these installers better get used to pointing these OTA ant's. As far as VOOMs customer service...I really have never had a problem with them. When I called them a number of times...they were on the phone within ten mins or less.
Yeah Directv is gonna send everyone an antenna to fulfill their "were gonna double HD statement they made".... lmao

Just a joke
Get yourself over to the VOOM forum on Yahoo and...

post to "Wilt" who is VOOM's VP for technical issues. He will see that you are connected with someone in their home office who will resolve your installation issues. You don't even want to see all the postings I've done about our "installation" but the person at VOOM headquarters has resolved all the issues for us. We've been VOOMing since mid-Dec. and still can't get enough HDTV. The PQ is stunning even on our DLP/96" screen.

Watching HDTV under cloudy Seattle skies, Gill
SeattleVoomer1, DLP Is The Only Way To VOOM. For The Rest Who Are Always Complaining Give It A Rest. Have Patients, Call CSR And They Will Take Care Of You. You Have To Remember VOOM Needs Us More Then We Need Them. You Also Have To Remember The Only Way We can Get All This HD Is With VOOM.
All new HD installs for Dtv will come with a OTA ant for locals....thats what I read at AVS. We will see.
vurbano said:
Now that the installers are learning about antennas with voom, D* is jumping into the act. LMAO

Isn't competition the best that can happen to DBS services? I wonder how long is going to take E* to start offering off-air antenna as well.
Why would they? E* offers locals in almost every market streamed over the dish, I think OTA sucks... I wish Voom would wise up and give locals like E* does, DirecTV is following suit with E*.
OTA Digital... not OTA Analog. Other than cable, it's the only way you are probably ever going to get CBS/ABC/NBC/FOX in HD.

there is no better signal or picture than OTA digital at full bandwidth. Ive had D* locals before, comparison is like comparing HD to analog. You must have little experience with digital OTA. Or live very far away from towers, or your local affiliates screw up the signals. COuld you imagine all the channels in glorious uncompressed 18-19mbit/s digital OTA? I know it isnt possible but just imagine 130 of those.
First time I've heard ANYONE say that OTA sucks. Are you sure you're watching the digital version of the broadcast channel? In every forum I frequent, the worst comparison/opinion of OTA I've seen expressed is that "It's as good as Sat", and even those are rare. The "standard" bar for HD is pretty much PBS digital OTA content.

I have to ask. Whats the point of coming to the forum, registering and then telling us about how terrible V* is and then disappear without one single follow-up comment to all the comments left by fellow forum members?
Voom Installation

Anyone in the Salt Lake area should be very pleased with AAA satellite. Not only did they show up on time and do a nice installation, they also responded to a service call shortly thereafter. The problem in the receiver developed after the installer left. They actually rescheduled the service call three days ahead of when VOOM said they would be there. My advice to anyone having VOOM installed or a service call is that they call VOOM or Intalls and find out who your local installing company is and lay the groundwork with them. They asked me many questions about the install that VOOM did not ask. It can save misunderatindings and a bad experience.

Voom upgrade question?

After Calibration Tune Up I'm Voomin Now!

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