First attempt:
I had a week day installation, on a rainy day. If I were an installer, maybe I would be a little pissed, but like the post man that is the nature of the work. He was 45 minutes late, with no courtesy call. Then he states " My townhouse exceeds the 24 ft height regulation and that I would have to pay $185.00 for him to place, what I guessed would be the OTA and dish. I explained that I was not aware of such charges and that not only had VOOM stated it was zero installation, but was not made aware of any exemptions to this offer.
So I got on the phone with customer service, which to no avail, stated I would have to pay since this was regulated charges by the contractor company not VOOM. So figuring I was about to be hood winked, I asked would he take a check. He Stated " no we can only take cash or charge". I replied " who has 100.00 in cash on them and if you had been on time maybe I could have had the money for you. He then stated "I will have to charge you 45.00 for coming out and not installing the service". I was so hot, I should charge you for being 45 minutes late, no thanks.
Second Attempt:
I called VOOM back thinking, retribution is yours....... So the customer service rep stated "no way should I have to pay anything and that I was probably being taken advantage of". Did I complain, yes. So he convinced me to try again by offering me another contractor company for the installation-"Directvision", an omni-directional OTA and a guarantee that service would be installed and victory would be mine.
Guess again my friends.......My date was 4/3 the time btwn 8-12p. Did anyone show, "Hell No!!!!". Did anyone call ahead to say they were running late or not at all "Hell No!!!!". Could I get through to VOOM customer service, after holding for 30 minutes, consecutively, Double "Hell No!!!!"......
Disappointed am I that a new company trying to compete against three types of providers in this market, allows shady contractors to represent their interests. That a company who needs 100% appreciation and satisfaction to gain more loyal subscribers. Did they care to have any idea that I am a geek at heart, electronics super freak. Which by the way knows plenty of people that listens and request my humble opion on what's the SH&@! to have any their home. And lastly, do they understand, that I have the unadulterated access to 100's of HDTV buying, cable purchasing, Satellite dish installing, question asking, no idea what they want, money spending-public to speak too. It will be my doing to tell each person that I come in contact with, to never deal with VOOM and to stick with Comcast, DirectTV or even DishNetwork (which we don't sell).
Now that's how mad I am....So VOOM I promise to affecting your bottom dollar, spread my disgruntle opinion, until you guys get your sh@!-together.
Sorry this is so long.