Here's a picture of my "man cave" which is in one corner of my 1760 sq ft garage. The rest of the shop is full of race cars and associated stuff.
Here's a picture of my "man cave" which is in one corner of my 1760 sq ft garage. The rest of the shop is full of race cars and associated stuff.
Good Eye there Cosmo! Actually the desk was given to me by my former employer, RR Donnelley Printing. They had it in the machine shop there where I worked. They got a new one and I got this one because they were going to throw it away. The one they replaced it with had filing cabinet type drawers on both sides for the foreman to keep his stuff in.
Is that a gun holster strapped to the chair?
Have you seen my avatar? Trust me, it's not a joke!
Living in a somewhat isolated area and being 69 years old we're prime candidates for a home invasion. That's the down side of where we live. Having said that, there's NOWHERE in my house that I can't get my hands on one that's loaded in just a few seconds! Break down my door and you'll likely to be eating lead, and I don't mean 22s!And yes, we BOTH have carry permits.
Right. No Fabreze allowed! and........too bad you can't do a scratch and sniff on the images to verify the manliness of the "man cave".....
I've heard you speak about the race cars and FTA stuff, but never a peep about those boats hanging on the wall. Do you have your own body of water to play in?OK so a little more info about my "Man Cave".
My house is actually a one bedroom 800 sq ft apartment built in one end of a 2560 sq ft garage that sits pretty much in the middle of a 10 acre wooded lot out in the County. My nearest neighbor is an eight mile down the road and I can't see his house from mine. When we built this place 15 years ago there was only the Wife and I so there was no need for a large house and since I've been a "Car Guy" most of my life, that's another reason the garage is so much larger than the living area. That and the Wife didn't want a big house to have to clean and furnish and I didn't want to cool and heat one either. Of course with only ONE bedroom that also eliminates any kids moving back in too.![]()
I have two race cars and a Dodge dually truck parked in that garage along with an 8ft metal welding table and theres also a Bridgeport milling machine there. Welder, air compressor, sand blaster, tire changer and balancer, two tool boxes, yadda yadda yadda so i can do pretty much anything needed race car wise accept major engine block machine work.
That photo shows where all my shop FTA systems are, ie, there's two there at the moment as I'm still testing that 10.5 ft Raydx dish that I got a few months back. You can see the 6 receivers and 2 Vboxes etc on the desk on the right and also on that shelf under the TV on the wall behind that desk. When that picture was taken last night I was watching the Baseball playoff game and the Patriots Jets football game at the same time. Oh, and I also have another FTA system in my bedroom that feeds an old 50" Hatachi projection TV that I've been using since 1998. That system is connected to the Unimesh dish.
Ennywho, just thought it would be nice to show others "my stuff" and also get to see how some of you are setup for the FTA hobby as well so lets see some pictures.
I've heard you speak about the race cars and FTA stuff, but never a peep about those boats hanging on the wall. Do you have your own body of water to play in?
I feel your pain! When we got our home the finished basement was supposed to be my man cave with a pool table, projector, etc as soon as the things that were 'temporarily' being stored down there from the move were sorted and either found a place upstairs or were sold, given away or trashed. I even built another shed to try to get the stuff out of there but of course that's not temperature controlled so guess who's stuff went in the shed. Well, 7 years later, there are more bins and boxes down there than ever. Don't think I'll ever get it back!I don't have an FTA man cave. I haven't had any man cave since we had our two sons. So while I would love to show you what my original man cave looked like pre children I am now stuck with a few shelving units and an undersized tech bench in my basement. My man cave is loaded more with spare parts, some test equipment, and radios then it is fta stuff and as such is barely usable.
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