Looks like Tony Stark is getting an armor upgrade just in time for his cataclysmic battle with big bad 'bot, Ultron. With five months to go until Avengers: Age of Ultron invades theaters, Hot Toys has unveiled images of its first tie-in collectible figure, which reveals Iron Man's new iron-plated duds, the Mark XLIII suit.
When Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron hits theaters on May 1, it seems inevitable that the super-powered sequel will quickly breeze past the $1 billion mark at the box office. After all, Marvel's The Avengers not only became Disney's (NYSE: DIS ) single highest-grossing movie by raking in an astonishing $1.519 billion in 2012, but it also stands as the third-highest grossing film of all time, behind only Avatar and Titanic.
In his latest interview, actor Mark Ruffalo dished out interesting spoilers for "Avengers: Age of Ultron" revealing plot details. The actor talked about his character the Hulk and other superheroes in Marvel's highly anticipated movie. Also, the studio has released a new photo of the Ultron at giving a detailed look at the supervillain. Read on for more details.
Marvel fans might have turned their all-seeing eye on "Avengers: Age of Ultron" but "Ant-Man" is ready to take over the spotlight.Plot details have been leaking out in an steady stream to acclimate fans to the new world Ant order. A universe where Hank Pym is a retired superhero, Janet van Dyne as Wasp is MIA, and Paul Rudd's Scott Lang is taking up the Ant-Man mantle. We've even been introduced to Evangeline Lilly's Hope van Dyne, daughter of Hank and Janet, who may or may not have taken on the role of Wasp 2.0. And now, it looks like villain Yellowjacket is getting tweaked for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, complete with robotic arms.
The latest trailer for "Avengers: Age of Ultron" debuted on Monday night, leaving fans pumped for the next installment of the Marvel franchise.Access Hollywood takes a look at five moments that left us puzzled, intrigued and wanting to know more:Who's that girl about to take a dip? : Did we just see a "Black Panther" tease at the :32 second mark with the woman disrobing at the pool of water in the cave?Can The Hulkbuster Bust The Hulk?: Tony Stark's Hulkbuster armor was designed to help stop the big green guy if he goes full-Hulk, but from the looks of the fight he has with Iron Man, it doesn't look like anyone can stop a crazed Bruce Banner!... well, maybe one person!Is Scarlet Witch The Most Powerful Marvel Character Yet? : With the ability alter reality and control people, newcomer Wanda Maximoff appears to be able to take down Iron Man and control the Hulk with ease (check out Hulk's eyes during his rampage scene! He appears to be under The Witch's spell!), but will she be able to take on Ultron?What's going on with Thor? : The Asgardian appears to be back home in Asgard at the 1:03 mark and taking on a whole lot of lighting (or some kind of energy) with a mystery woman standing behind him… or maybe Loki is behind all this?Why No Vision? : Fans have still yet to see Paul Bettany as The Vision (Tony Stark's artificial intelligence JARVIS, who takes on an android form) in action, minus some concept art from last year's Comic-Con. Why is Marvel torturing us?!"Avengers: Age of Ultron" hits theaters on May 1, 2015.
Last night, Marvel put out their first TV spot for "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and at first, I didn't think anything about it. Marvel is playing it close the vest with the plot, and the commercial didn't show us anything we hadn't seen before. But the way the ad was cut together made me realize something about Bruce Banner's epic Hulk tantrum that they keep focusing on. Check it out and pay attention to the lighting filters and then meet me below!Did you see it? There are two different fights spliced together. One is the Hulkbuster fight, where Tony and Bruce are duking it out, most likely in a well-intentioned attempt at Hulk damage control. Bruce is angry, out-of-control, and very, very green.
While the upcoming Marvel mega-movie sequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron looks to expand the comic book-inspired breadth of the Marvel Cinematic Universe even further, it has been known for some time that one critical aspect of the adaptation will be altered: Namely the comic-book-critical role that Ant-Man was supposed to play in relation to the film's titular antagonist. It's an alteration that, for many comic book purists, seems perplexing and unforgivable. However, writer/director, Joss Whedon has recently revealed his reasons for the canonical change and hopes that all of you will understand.In a rather in-depth interview with Empire, Whedon discusses several aspects of what inspired him thematically with Age of Ultron. However, the lengthy sit-down would conclude by focusing on the rather controversial change to the origin of the villainous A.I., Ultron. Fans of the classic comic book canon will eagerly tell you that THE most critical aspect of Ultron's character at its very core, was the Freud-inspired oedipal hatred that he possessed for his "father," or, in his case, creator, Hank Pym, aka Ant-Man. AOU has changed things so that Tony Stark/Iron Man will play that role in Ultron's genesis. As Whedon states on the first reason the change was made:
Today, the Marvel gods blessed us with a new "Avengers: Age of Ultron" trailer and they did not disappoint. The new footage is epic and there are a TON of hidden gems if you watch over and over and over -- like we did.Here are the top 7:
It took a minute, but the Avengers have finally assembled. Earlier today, Marvel revealed the character posters for Wanda and Pietro Maximoff via Yahoo.Better known as the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, the siblings show off their miraculous abilities in a Marvel universe without mutants.
Resentment is a powerful thing, isn't it? Let's take a moment and listen to what Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) has to say at the beginning of this new one-minute preview for "Avengers: Age of Ultron" (you can watch it at the bottom of this post).Maria Hill (Colbie Smulders) begins with a seemingly innocuous, "All set up boss."Actually, he's the boss, Star replies. "I just pay for everything, design everything. Make everyone look cooler.""He" is Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, who as "boss" likely means he's The Avengers first big screen chairman which is the title the superhero group has given their team leader for decades. Now, you could just assume this line of dialogue was just more fun wisecracking from Marvel's golden goose or you might realize that not only are Cap and Tony going to be at odds in "Age of Ultron," but that this will continue into the previously announced "Captain America: Civil War" set for slightly over a year from now. Pick whose side you're on carefully! It's a showdown that will be hyped into the ground before you know it!
[WARNING: This post contains POSSIBLE SPOILERS for The Avengers: Age of Ultron]Comic book movie fans are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Avengers: Age of Ultron this summer, but Marvel Studios – as always – is looking five steps ahead and trying to get the future of their cinematic universe lined up. Last year, they unveiled the slate of films that will comprise Phase 3, and very recently struck a deal with Sony Pictures that would allow Spider-Man to take part in this universe. Whether or not the strategy of teasing endless possibilities of things to come is best for the franchise is up for debate, but it's certainly been effective in exciting moviegoers.Age of Ultron is shaping up to be a vital cog in Marvel's master plan, with its events leading into the core narrative of next year's Captain America: Civil War and introducing elements that can connect to the Black Panther solo movie. It's also been believed for quite some time that in this film, the Avengers roster will undergo some turnover, with rumors pointing to Captain America assembling a new team of heroes. Now, we may have found out who is new recruits will be.Even though the following information can be classified as a rumor, those looking to avoid anything possibly pertaining to the plot of Age of Ultron are encouraged to stop reading beyond this point.FINAL SPOILER WARNING!
With the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron less than a month away, Marvel Studios has released two new TV spots for the movie, showcasing the threat at large and revealing that, yes, Hawkeye really does understand the uselessness of his skill set in the face of potentially apocalyptic events, thank you very much.In addition to Hawkeye's self-awareness, the new spots reveal that Ultron doesn't just want to kill off all the humans on Earth, but everything that lives (you can't fault him for lacking ambition). There are also some impressive new moves from both Captain America and Thor in the second of the two spots. Really, if throwing a motorcycle at bad guys isn't your idea of what a super soldier should be doing, then maybe it's time you reconsidered your idea of a super soldier.Directed and written by Joss Whedon, Avengers: Age of Ultron reunites Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johannson, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo, with James Spader playing the eponymous villain.Avengers: Age of Ultron arrives theaters May 1.
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