I bought a Globecast setup cheap locally, and after much trial and error, I was able to get it locked onto 97W. I'm in Harrisburg, PA, at 40.3074 lat and -76.9003 long, per sites. I liked what I was getting into, and decided to introduce a motor into the mix. I bought a MicroHD receiver and a Moteck SG2100 to move the dish.
Try as I might, I cannot get this combination to get anything. I am baffled and at least somewhat frustrated because I don't know what I'm doing (or doing wrong). But tonight, with my latest trek up the ladder to adjust, I noticed something. The shaft of the motor supports the dish fine at the top, but I can change the angle of the dish up by a few degrees, and then drop it back into place. (I don't actually drop it; I guide it back to its stop.)
Is that normal? Do I need a dish or dish mount that fits onto the dish motor shaft more precisely? I've enclosed pics, because hey, why not. Maybe one of you experts will instantly see the problem that I cannot.

Try as I might, I cannot get this combination to get anything. I am baffled and at least somewhat frustrated because I don't know what I'm doing (or doing wrong). But tonight, with my latest trek up the ladder to adjust, I noticed something. The shaft of the motor supports the dish fine at the top, but I can change the angle of the dish up by a few degrees, and then drop it back into place. (I don't actually drop it; I guide it back to its stop.)
Is that normal? Do I need a dish or dish mount that fits onto the dish motor shaft more precisely? I've enclosed pics, because hey, why not. Maybe one of you experts will instantly see the problem that I cannot.