In light of recent events (ie, Mr. Cascade's SG2100 packing up under the weight of his Fortec 1.2m dish) and preparing to (finally) place my order for a 120cm, I'm faced with some decisions.
Sadoun has 120cm dishes for $175, plus up to $200 shipping = $375 total
(Fortec Star - 17kg, Arperature Efficiency 75% min, Pole Diameter: 45 – 75 mm)
Eyeinthesky has 120cm dishes for $169, plus $82 shipping = $251
(Baja Beach/Azure Shine - ?kg, Aperture Efficiency >80%, Pole Diameter: 76 mm)
An ebay seller I contacted from the UK has 120cm/0.3dB LNB combos for about $240 SHIPPED to my door. I stopped considering this option when I found out that the dish thickness was only 0.8mm. (Tinfoil need not apply)
For obvious reasons, I'm leaning toward eyeinthesky. The only downfall there is that I'll have to modify/replace the bracket so it properly mates to my Sg2100. Though I might do that anyhow to lighten the load. From what I've been able to dig up (correct me if I'm wrong, please) the Sg2100's are rated for 10kg. Fortec 1.2m dishes are well over that, so I'm assuming the Baja Beach is as well. As shown above, I don't know the exact thickness of the Baja, but the vendor described the Fortec as "flimsy" in comparison. I thought perhaps wire mesh dishes would be lighter, but after some research it appears I'm wrong. That's a shame, as I had lofty ideas of a 180 or 200cm light mesh dish being modified to go on my H-H motor, for even better C-band reception
So I figured I'd ask everyone here for advice. What would you do? I need at least a 1.2m dish. I'm on a budget. I have everything else I need (H-H motor, C-band lnb). I've seen people build light-weight 'brackets' on smaller dishes to lighten things up out of channel or similar. Any ideas? I'm insistant about having my MicroBUD setup soon!
Sadoun has 120cm dishes for $175, plus up to $200 shipping = $375 total
(Fortec Star - 17kg, Arperature Efficiency 75% min, Pole Diameter: 45 – 75 mm)
Eyeinthesky has 120cm dishes for $169, plus $82 shipping = $251
(Baja Beach/Azure Shine - ?kg, Aperture Efficiency >80%, Pole Diameter: 76 mm)
An ebay seller I contacted from the UK has 120cm/0.3dB LNB combos for about $240 SHIPPED to my door. I stopped considering this option when I found out that the dish thickness was only 0.8mm. (Tinfoil need not apply)
For obvious reasons, I'm leaning toward eyeinthesky. The only downfall there is that I'll have to modify/replace the bracket so it properly mates to my Sg2100. Though I might do that anyhow to lighten the load. From what I've been able to dig up (correct me if I'm wrong, please) the Sg2100's are rated for 10kg. Fortec 1.2m dishes are well over that, so I'm assuming the Baja Beach is as well. As shown above, I don't know the exact thickness of the Baja, but the vendor described the Fortec as "flimsy" in comparison. I thought perhaps wire mesh dishes would be lighter, but after some research it appears I'm wrong. That's a shame, as I had lofty ideas of a 180 or 200cm light mesh dish being modified to go on my H-H motor, for even better C-band reception

So I figured I'd ask everyone here for advice. What would you do? I need at least a 1.2m dish. I'm on a budget. I have everything else I need (H-H motor, C-band lnb). I've seen people build light-weight 'brackets' on smaller dishes to lighten things up out of channel or similar. Any ideas? I'm insistant about having my MicroBUD setup soon!