Much like Toshiba and HD DVD, it sounds like MS is getting ready to bail on their 3 Rings of Death Box... Seriously, they are going to have a rough time competing without a BD and hard disk in their future models.
seems to be working for the WiiMuch like Toshiba and HD DVD, it sounds like MS is getting ready to bail on their 3 Rings of Death Box... Seriously, they are going to have a rough time competing without a BD and hard disk in their future models.
And then some!seems to be working for the Wii
Let me ask you something, Microsoft drops HD-DVD, now M$ supports downloading content, you have to pay bunch of $$ to just rent the movie for few days and then you have to pay again to view it again?
Isn't that how the whole M$ downloading content works for movies?
If thats the case, they aren't going to make it too far.
Anyone who buys a XBOX360 now knows that the '3 Ring Circus' could visit them and they would need a repair or replacement. The XBOX360 has some pretty decent games and the XBOXLive is making money for M$. But I agree that M$ needs to bring out a settop solely for the purpose of downloadable HDM. Maybe instead of a BD drive M$ will bring out a 500gb drive for the XBOX360 to support their desire to push downloadable content.
As for gaming on the PS3, 2008 will see the PS3 start hitting a stride in gaming. The problem is the PS3 is already the media center that M$ envisioned for the XBOX360. But without a harddrive requirement the Xbox360 falls short. It also does not have all the outputs (HDMI for one) that is needed to make the Xbox360 a media center. Once Sony launches Home along with their new HDM downloading this fall the PS3 will really start to take off. But still, the PS3 can be used as a media center, a gaming center , a BD player (and still one of the bests) and my guess is that Sony intended it to be that way. It might take another year or two for the PS3 gaming to really start to dominate on exclusive releases.
The main reason the Wii is so hot is that Nintendo is only interested in gaming. They went back to the basics and they are killing the competition. Now if only the next Wii would do HD then...?
Fair enough. What about the millions that bought it BEFORE that. Most parts are pretty valid for them(me).Your entire post is irrelevant for someone who bought a 360 in the last 9 or so months when the 360 started shipping with HDMI, .
Fair enough. What about the millions that bought it BEFORE that. Most parts are pretty valid for them(me).
You like old articles, here's one a little newer than the one you posted in the video games forum:
Microsoft announces Disney movies in HD on Xbox Live - Engadget HD
The important tidbit.... $125 million of revanue from the Video Market place as of June of last year.
That's before...
- Disney
- Paramount
- Looney Toons
- Lost
As for this:
Your entire post is irrelevant for someone who bought a 360 in the last 9 or so months when the 360 started shipping with HDMI, and even further back for the RROD references since that has been fixed for quite some time. Even the recent study that pegged the failure rate at 16% said most of not all (their exact phrase) of the failures in the study were by units with the older defective motherboard.
So, baseless claims from the 2 above posters, win your war and the FUD is till in full effect. Awesome.
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