Missouri will explore conference options Tiger Extra - Mizzou Sports | ColumbiaTribune.com
My only question is if Ken Starr will make a "Save the Border War" website.
And the Bovine 9 becomes 'Bevocho'.
This is exactly how it went down with NU, CU, and A&M. In a week or two, Mizzou will send the Bovine 9 a letter that they are leaving the conference contingent on finding a new conference home. A week or so after that, the SEC will announce that they have received and approved an application from Mizzou who will be the 14th member of the conference beginning 7/1/2012.ST. LOUIS — The University of Missouri Board of Curators announced Tuesday that it has delegated power to MU Chancellor Brady Deaton to explore options for future conference affiliation.
This could be the first step in the process of Missouri departing the Big 12 for the Southeastern Conference, although Deaton said the school is just beginning to consider its options and didn't rule out staying in the Big 12.
"The board of curators delegates to Chancellor Deaton the authority to take any and all actions necessary to fully explore options for conference affiliation and contracts related there to, which best serve the interests of the University of Missouri-Columbia and the University of Missouri system," curator Warren Erdman said. "This action was taken unanimously tonight and is effective immediately."
To avoid a conflict of interest, Deaton announced he had relinquished his role as the chairman of the Big 12 Board of Directors.
My only question is if Ken Starr will make a "Save the Border War" website.
And the Bovine 9 becomes 'Bevocho'.