Is it just me or is the pre-vma show in HD!?!
I know comedy centeral HD has been testing and showing real hd on Cband. Now if we can get D* to pick it up and if viacom can start showing HD we would be all good and people would feel better. Its almost like getting a new HD channel.. oh wait we did![]()
You know what, I have to agree with 100% of what you said. I used to watch the VMA's when I was younger, but I tend not to now. The only reason I watched part of it tonight was the fact that it was in HD. Its not even about music anymore. What it is about is fashion (not to mention that most of the music was complete garbage anyway). The show was ridiculous and the host of the show was even more ridiculous ranting on about politics. Its funny you bring up the "future of our country" thing too because my mom said to me "geeze... if this is what America is looking ahead to then we are all screwed and the next generation is screwed." I will have to agree with her. Kids are going to see this and do the same exact thing that these musicians are doing and its going to be bad. Better examples need to be set. It sickens me that people like Britney Spears are still getting awards. People should have left her alone and let her keep digging herself a deep hole. Ah, enough of my rant. This isn't the forum to do this really. lol!Even though the show was in HD, it wasn't worth watching. It was garbage that is skewed to a younger audience. I thought it was inappropriate for Brand to go on and on about politics. His British babbling didn't seem to work well with a lot of people in the audience. I hope that, the little I watched of this program, isn't the future of this country because, if it is, we will be in worse trouble than we are in today.
Lil' Wayne was it? Yeah, that was sort of bad. I hate how these musicians try to make a fashion statement. There was some terrible clothes being worn tonight.HD or not
but that one dude needs to pull his pants up.. we didnt need to see his underwear
MTV is now re-airing the VMA's, but its not in HD. Why is this? You think since they aired it first in HD that the re-run would be in HD. Don't tell me this is the last of HD we see on MTV for a very long time.
Thats a bummer then. So the next time we see HD content on MTV may have to wait until there is a live event. MTV really needs to start coming out with HD.I suspect that they only have the ability to show HD that is live and can't show HD that is recorded. When TBS HD first came on the air, they were the same way. The live baseball playoff games and some live comedy specials were in HD, but everything that was previously recorded was stretch-o-vision. Even the previously shown in HD comedy specials were SD.
CBS College Sports HD looks like the picture is distorted. I am not sure what they do, but WOW is it bad.I just saw a little bit of the show, the pq looked good even though the set was all dark so I could not tell how the colors looked. Even though this has been the only HD programming so far I still like the fact that the SD programming looks clear on this channel, if all the HD channels (CBS College Sports) looked this good when showing non HD programming/
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