My favorite......
I've tried many many antennas.......
The Winegard Model HD7210P "Ghostkiller" is my favorite.
Winegard --- HD7210P
Winegard HD 7210P Ghost Killer VHF/UHF Yagi Style HDTV Antenna (HD7210P) | HD-7210P [Winegard] | HD7210P HD 7210P HD 7210 HD-7210
I've got a Channel Master Amp on it, and it gets everything. Most of the stations are about 90 degrees apart to the North. It even gets the an ABC affiliate station to the South, not listed on, because the signal is so strong from that station and overcomes the extremely high front/back ratio of this antenna. I even get the weak ABC affiliate HD station some 45 miles away.
The antenna is very low, without the usual UHF corner refector array, so I can mount it on a standard Dish 300/500 pole.
On analog, it got everything with a fantastic, almost ghost free picture, that is better than my neighbors get on cable or Dish LIL locals.
I am sold on this antenna with amp, when my customers want all the stations in my area.
Antenna installation after feb 17, 2009, will become a lot more difficult, when analog shuts off after that date.
The definitive predictor of possible dropoffs is ghosting in analog. Unfortunately, that will be gone after Feb. 17, 2009. If you eliminate or reduce ghosting, you are also eliminating the possiblity of dropoffs in digital. This will be very problematic for adjusting rotors after Feb. 17, 2009.
Likely, there will be a lot more scammers after Feb. 17, 2009, who will sell antennas. No longer, will it be easy to judge an analog image by just looking at it.