Well, I got my 622 in today.. It was really easy to set up in replace of my 942. Swapped out cables and plugged her in and off we went.. After doing initial check switch the receiver downloaded the software and programmed L351 to the receiver. The unit Powered down accordingly and rebooted. What I did notice was the fact the TV2 remote control screen did not pop up at all. I had to go into the system info and press record after everything was set up to get the remote address to program for TV 2. It did erase the hard drive and downloaded the program guide info. After all that was done the 622 immediately showed a picture on channel 101. I called dish and got it activated the first time. The CSR canceled my installation apt as it wasn't necessary for me. (whats the point of rolling a truck when all i had to do was a swap) It was quite enjoyable. I did have to remind the csr to add HD plat. as my package but other than that it was an a+ experience. After activating the package everything started to show up. (note the dvr was recording DVR made easy and the club dish video at this time on tv 2) The first thing I did was set all the settings accordingly to how I had my 942 set up. (1080I for HDTV Check, Extended program guide with video, Check.) I went to 6313? I think it is CBS CHICAGO HD. I noticed the picture froze for a second to allow the audio catch up and sync with the sound. Flipping between real mpg4 channels was quite a brease. It took about the same time as the 942 did to change channels with mpg 2 to change mpg4 channels. Each time the picture froze and allowed the audio to sync up for about a second. The picture quality between mpg4 channels and mpg2 channels is very noticeable as I used CBS HD on 9483 and my lil CBS HD via dish as Ginnie pigs. CBS HD from Chicago Looked way more crisp than CBS NYC. Although I do think that it was in 720P mode. I haven't been able to compare OTA though because nothing is on in hd and CBS hd in Chicago is like trying to pull in CBS from New York in la with an OTA ant. IT isn't gonna happen. For those of you who don't know CBS is on VHF channel 2 at 4.4 KW and most of the city has problems getting that one
Looking at the LIL guide Dish's HD channels did not appear nor did any sub channels. It just showed the analogue channels i get through dish. I went ahead and scanned in the the OTA LIL from my antenna at this time and LIL data did show up in the guide. Although it wasn't dish's mpg 4 channels but the ota hd channels through my antenna that did show up. I was missing CBS from the guide that lead me to that conclusion and when I tuned into it, it showed the antenna signal. This unit is allot quicker than the 942. I found the multi colored remote to be cool for people who don't know how to use a DVR. I personally think dish got it right with the 942 but made more improvements with the 622 and made it better. Although the software is a bit buggy that is to be expected. I think within a few months as additional units roll out that will be come less of an issue. Tonight I'm going to play around with the unit some more when I get home from school
Also you can tell that the new channels dish released are fake MPG 4 as how they change. I only experienced the 1 second freeze on real mpg4 channels. This is how I rate the unit..
Overall experience A+
LOOK and Feel A-
Buggyness of software B/A-
Interactivity B Missing games in interactive apps
VOD A+ Feature missing from 942
OTA Tuner A+
Initial setup A
One thing that I did think of is during the download process of the software dish should add a screen that says, "your software download is now complete Rebooting receiver"
at the completion of download so a user does'nt freak out and think something has gone wrong.
I have posted pictures of the setup process to show you all how my experience was.

Looking at the LIL guide Dish's HD channels did not appear nor did any sub channels. It just showed the analogue channels i get through dish. I went ahead and scanned in the the OTA LIL from my antenna at this time and LIL data did show up in the guide. Although it wasn't dish's mpg 4 channels but the ota hd channels through my antenna that did show up. I was missing CBS from the guide that lead me to that conclusion and when I tuned into it, it showed the antenna signal. This unit is allot quicker than the 942. I found the multi colored remote to be cool for people who don't know how to use a DVR. I personally think dish got it right with the 942 but made more improvements with the 622 and made it better. Although the software is a bit buggy that is to be expected. I think within a few months as additional units roll out that will be come less of an issue. Tonight I'm going to play around with the unit some more when I get home from school

Overall experience A+
LOOK and Feel A-
Buggyness of software B/A-
Interactivity B Missing games in interactive apps
VOD A+ Feature missing from 942
OTA Tuner A+
Initial setup A
One thing that I did think of is during the download process of the software dish should add a screen that says, "your software download is now complete Rebooting receiver"
at the completion of download so a user does'nt freak out and think something has gone wrong.
I have posted pictures of the setup process to show you all how my experience was.
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