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My Currentd HDTV Situation... | SatelliteGuys.US

My Currentd HDTV Situation...


New Member
Original poster
Oct 13, 2004
Oakland, Ca
This is my first post on this forum, and I figure I'll just "lay it all out there" and see if I get
any replies...

Since I first saw HD at Good Guys back in 1998 (NFL game), I've been dreaming of the day
I'd actually have it in my home. Well, the day has come...but I'm officially frustrated, and
would like to hear people's take on what I should or shouldn't do. Two weeks ago, I
purchased a Sony 51 inch rear projection TV. It's the KP-51WS520. It's a great set,
gorgeous picture, with an HDMI port in the back. I have Comcast install their HDTV
receiver, and I'm all set. The first thing I do is go plunk down $125 on a DVI to HDMI cord.
I've heard the picture is outstanding using this connector, and I can't wait to take
advantage. I get home, plug it in, and see three distorted pictures on my tube. I call
Comcast and they tell me that the DVI port is not functional at this time and they have no
idea when it might be. So I consider returning the cable to Good Guys, but I've thrown
away they box and am stuck with it.
Fine, no biggie. I suppose I'll wait until it's "enabled" and use it then. Now, let me explain
how I've set my TV up. I've kept my Comcast digital cable non-HD box. I've got that
attached to my TIVO. This enables me to watch an HD show, or standard show on my HD
box, while recording another show to my TIVO. Also enables me to split screen PIP two
football games at once, or whatever else I want to see. What I don't like is watching an HD
channel like NBC, CBS, or ABC that's not in HD because if I watch it with the bars, I've been
told I'm risking "burn-in" and if i stretch it, I have to use "wide zoom" and I lose some
picture. Watching those channels on a standard channel with my non-HD box alleviates
that problem, but the quality is not as good.

Anyhow, so all is well, I'm watching my ESPN HD and LOVING IT. Discovery HD is amazing,
and I can't get enough of HD Net's show on baseball stadiums. College football Saturday
rolls around, and watching the Georgia - Tennessee game is mind boggling. I've never
seen colors that sharp, a picture so vivid. It's really like being, it's BETTER than
being there. Then Sunday rolls around. I'm a huge NFL fan, but can't get Direct TV
because I live in a 24 story building and our condo's balcony faces east. So I'm stuck with
NFL programming on local channels. So I get the CBS game in HD, which is wonderful.
BUT, here is the big problem...NO FOX!! I'm in Oakland, CA and Comcast here has not
been able to strike a deal with the local Fox affiliate KTVU. I've spoken to both sides
regarding the problem and there's no solution in sight (makes the NHL lockout look
promising!!) So no NFL, no MLB playoffs....NO SUPERBOWL!!! Fine, very few things in life
are perfect, so I know what I have to do. I've got to get one of those Radio Shack antennas
and I'll be able to get KTVU over the air. I'm right in the heart of downtown Oakland, and
so reception shouldn't be a problem. I call Comcast just to verify I can do this, and my
nightmare continues, and they tell me that plugging the antenna into their cable box won't
work. I'd have to have an HDTV with a built in tuner to see KTVU in HD over the air.

Now what?

Will I just accept this? Yankees-Red Sox, in standard def? NO. So I start researching. I
knew about Voom but figured since I can't get Direct TV or Dish reception from my
balcony, that Voom won't work. But I decided to call and check, and to my delight, they
need a south east view, as opposed to south west. Excellent, problem solved. Get Voom,
ditch Comcast. Life is good...right?...wrong.

I speak to a Voom rep to set up installation. After talking to this guy for 30 seconds, I
knew he had no clue what he was talking about. I was scrolling down the channel lineup
while talking to him and I saw a Fox Sports Florida channel. I asked him if I would be
receiving my RSN, which is Fox Sports Net Bay Area, and he told me...quote..."uh, well, I
live in Texas, and I get Fox Sports South West, so you should be receiving your local
channel too!". I asked him if he was sure, he said he was. So I proceeded with my order
and am scheduled for install this Monday 10/18. Yesterday I was reading up on Voom and
I saw that there actually was NOT any Fox Sports regional networks available except for
Florida right now. I called Voom to confirm, and that appears to me to be the case. This
is a very big deal as I'm a big Warriors (NBA), Giants, A' Plus, Comcast has just
started broadcasting our local teams in HD.

So to sum up this rambling post....

#1. Should I be upset that Comcast does not have their DVI port functional? Does Voom
have one? If so, will there be a big difference?

#2. "Burn-In". Is that a real possibility? Is watching channels with gray bars bad? How
about Black bars? Is there a way to watch an HD channel, that is not broadcast in HD, fill
the screen without going to "wide-zoom?" Like a setting I can tweak on my cable box, or
TV? Also, I've heard I should keep the brightness and picture levels below 50% all the
time. Is this true? I like those levels higher than 50%. That's too bad if that's the case.

#3. I'm switching to Voom for the local Fox channel. Well, all the other channels too, but
if Comcast had our Fox affiliate, I wouldn't be doing this. Is that a good move? Will I be
happy with over-the-air reception? Also, could Comcast be wrong? Can I still get KTVU
Fox affiliate over the air with doing all of this???

#4. I'm going to have to keep my Comcast HD Box because apparently Voom does not
have the Fox regional sports networks. So, the basic Voom package at $49.99 per month,
plus HBO at $19.99 per month, plus two Voom receivers at $19.99 per month, plus the
Comcast sports pack at $40.00 per month, plus one Comcast HD receiver at $5.00 per
month....equals an INSANE $135 per month for TV!!! and I'm not even getting all the
premium movie channels....or playboy!!! Is there any way around this? Do I have any
cheaper options?

#5. Does anyone have any idea if or when Voom will get all the local Fox Sports regional
channels? And if so, will it be HD? I'm worried that since the local HD Fox Sports
broadcasts are affiliated with Comcast, the broadcast may just be exclusive to Comcast
cable, and not be available to Voom.

(some other random questions...)

#6. 1080i or 720p? I've heard 720p is better. But the football game I saw on CBS looked
amazing, so I can't see how 720p can be better. A matter of personal preference?

#7. Video games bad for my TV? I have an Xbox and PS2. Can anyone recommend any
games that will look great on my TV? I've purchased the component cables for both
systems, now I just need some good HD games.

#8. DVD's. I've got an older Toshiba DVD player. It has the component blue and green
outputs on the back. Does that mean I'm getting the best quality for DVD playback? I've
heard that the best is 480i progressive scan. Is that true? Or, do I need to buy a newer
progressive scan DVD player? My current DVD player has a 16X9 option that fills the
entire screen (amazing!) but it doesn't say anything about prog scan. How about the
Xbox? Does that support prog scan playback?

#9. If you're still with me here, thanks! I appreciate it :-) NFL network. Does voom have
it? If so, will the Game of the Week be available in HD?

#10. NBA sports package? MLB sports package? Any news on these coming to Voom? I
know DirectTV has exclusive rights to NFL Ticket, but the others would be welcome.

#11. And this is a big one. I may, and I emphasize, may....need to have the Voom dish set
up on a tri pod. I'm waiting to hear back from condo association, but that's a possibility.
If so, I'll have to call Voom and hope that the installers can do that. Has anyone else gone
this route? Does it take up a lot of space? Any specific instructions I should give to the
installers. Actually, in general, is there anything I should check before the installers leave?

#12. Voom reception. I explained to the Voom rep that I don't think I've got a great south-
eastern view from my balcony. It's more east and actually north-east. He told me not to
worry, but I can't help it. Putting the equipment on the roof here is not an option, only the
balcony. For those of you that have a good sense of where the dish can and can't get
reception, here's a link to a map of where the dish will be. I'm on the 4th floor of a big 20
plus story building. If you look at the map, my balcony faces straight up Lakeside
Drive...and the farthest south I go, to the right, is straight to the "lake merrit" typing in the
middle of the lake.

(you may have to cut and paste this)

It looks like I face directly east, but not south. Is it still worth the installation attempt, or is
there no chance?

#13. Some of my symptoms are right upper quadrant pain, constipation,
oops! I got confused. I thought I was in the irritable bowl syndrome forum.

Anyhow, that's about it. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any feedback is greatly


Welcome to the forum! Let me try to answer some of your questions.

#1. Should I be upset that Comcast does not have their DVI port functional? Does Voom have one? If so, will there be a big difference?
I guess you should! :) VOOM does support DVI, and yes, the difference is significant in most cases.

#2. "Burn-In". Is that a real possibility? Is watching channels with gray bars bad? How about Black bars? Is there a way to watch an HD channel, that is not broadcast in HD, fill the screen without going to "wide-zoom?" Like a setting I can tweak on my cable box, or TV? Also, I've heard I should keep the brightness and picture levels below 50% all the time. Is this true? I like those levels higher than 50%. That's too bad if that's the case.
Since you have a CRT-based RPTV, the burn-in is a concern, though sometimes exaggerated. Reducing the brightness and contrast levels would certainly help. With VOOM box you can change the picture geometry for SD channels.

#3. I'm switching to Voom for the local Fox channel. Well, all the other channels too, but if Comcast had our Fox affiliate, I wouldn't be doing this. Is that a good move? Will I be happy with over-the-air reception? Also, could Comcast be wrong? Can I still get KTVU Fox affiliate over the air with doing all of this???
Switching to VOOM just for an OTA channel, is wrong in my opinion. Get an OTA HD receiver instead. Switch to VOOM only if you want to have 30+ HD channels!

#4. Is there any way around this? Do I have any cheaper options?

#5. Does anyone have any idea if or when Voom will get all the local Fox Sports regional channels? And if so, will it be HD? I'm worried that since the local HD Fox Sports broadcasts are affiliated with Comcast, the broadcast may just be exclusive to Comcast cable, and not be available to Voom.
Most likely next year. After they switch to MPEG4 or to the second satellite.

#6. 1080i or 720p? I've heard 720p is better. But the football game I saw on CBS looked amazing, so I can't see how 720p can be better. A matter of personal preference?
I don't think your TV set supports 720p natively, so, 1080i is your only option. And that's what VOOM is using anyway.

#7. Video games bad for my TV? I have an Xbox and PS2. Can anyone recommend any games that will look great on my TV? I've purchased the component cables for both systems, now I just need some good HD games.
Again, burn-in could be of some concern.

#8. DVD's. I've got an older Toshiba DVD player. It has the component blue and green outputs on the back. Does that mean I'm getting the best quality for DVD playback? I've heard that the best is 480i progressive scan. Is that true? Or, do I need to buy a newer progressive scan DVD player? My current DVD player has a 16X9 option that fills the
entire screen (amazing!) but it doesn't say anything about prog scan.
There is no such thing as "480i progressive" ;) Progressive is 480p! Depending on the quality of the line-doubler within your TV set you may or may not notice much difference with progressive DVD player. In either case, HD picture will look better than DVD.

#9. If you're still with me here, thanks! I appreciate it :-) NFL network. Does voom have it? If so, will the Game of the Week be available in HD?
It was available last season. So, I hope they will do it again.

#10. NBA sports package? MLB sports package? Any news on these coming to Voom? I know DirectTV has exclusive rights to NFL Ticket, but the others would be welcome.
Haven't heard any rumors on that...

#11. And this is a big one. I may, and I emphasize, may....need to have the Voom dish set up on a tri pod. I'm waiting to hear back from condo association, but that's a possibility. If so, I'll have to call Voom and hope that the installers can do that. Has anyone else gone this route? Does it take up a lot of space? Any specific instructions I should give to the installers. Actually, in general, is there anything I should check before the installers leave?
I remember there were some tripod installations reported in this forum. You may want to do a search on this. Also check this: What should I check before signing the installer's paperwork?

I suggest you get a compass and check the azimuth while standing on your balcony. It would be hard for us to tell without being there whether you have the LOS or not. Here is a site that will give you an approximate azimuth.

#13. Some of my symptoms are right upper quadrant pain, constipation, nausea....
Sorry, can't help you much with your nausea... :D

Good luck!
Lot's of questions, here are my quick answers:

1. Yes and no. My Adelphia HD DVR has an inactive HDMI port and 2 inactive Firewire ports. They will supposedly be supported by the vendor at some point in the future. VOOM has an active DVI interface.

2. I'm not a burn-in expert, but I do have a Mits CRT RPTV and a Sony LCD RPTV. It's a hot topic for debate, but IMO as long as you don't have a plasma or flat-screen LCD and vary your viewing habits then you should not have any problem.

3. Satellite installers generally know very little about OTA. I am in the middle of two DMAs (DC 55+ miles and Richmond VA 51+ miles) and in an Adelphia area so I installed my own antenna over 2 years ago and pointed it toward DC. It was my first antenna so it I researched the subject for a month and it took me and entire weekend to get the job done right. It took the VOOM installers 11 appointments and 3 failed attempts before they properly installed the antenna and pointed it toward Richmond. You can read all the OTA posts, but rest assured VOOM will eventually get the job done right...if you're not in a hurry. Of course, most people aren't 50+ miles from their broadcast towers and may have a much easier time with the install. You should be able to receive your locals since you live in Oakland, but you will need to do your homework and read the "VOOM In You Area" threads and check out HDTV reception at AVSFORUM.COM.

4. Not really. VOOM needs to come out with a better "Whole House" pricing structure; the current model is too costly IMO.

5. RSNs should be coming at some point in the near future. If I were a betting man, I would say they will start rolling them out in quantity during the 1st quarter 2005. Of course, this is mere speculation and nobody but VOOM can answer this questions...and they won't!

6. I prefer CBS 1080i Sports, however ESPN and ABC do a pretty good job with 720p. Also, if your local CBS station is multicasting then I will gladly take 720p. Movies and Prime Time look better in 1080i IMO.

7. Don't know.

8. Progressive Scan is 480p.

9. Yes, VOOM has NFL Network. They used to have the NFL-HD Network, but they haven't had it up and running this year. It has been mentioned on this forum, but I haven't paid much attention since I usually see the games I want live or on my cable HD DVR.

10. I'm sure we will see these in time when the new transponders are loaded, bigger dish and WM9/MPEG4 modules installed, and SD channels migrated to WM9/MPEG4. I wouldn't expect to see any of these offered until next years baseball season. We would all like to know what VOOM has planned for its loyal customers in the coming months. The next 6 months should be a whirlwind of upgrades...we hope!

11. VOOM can be installed on a tri-pod, but it will cost you extra. This is a matter between you and the installer. Of course, a few installers hang-out here at the VOOM Forum and they be able to tell you what is a reasonable charge for a tri-pod installation.

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