Howdy all,
Well we had our annual December thaw last Wed. and Thur. so Friday I decided to hook all the cableing up to my BUD.The ground was still frozen so i was not able to bury the direct burial ribbon cable, right now it is just laying on the ground, covered by the 12" of snow we got Sat and Sun. Hopefully it will be fine until spring <crosses fingers>.
All I can say is YEEEEHAAAAAAA
After hooking up the actuator and polarotor, I started motoring the dish around to see what i could get. Currently I am able to get all of the cband in between 85w and 111w, which is 11 satellites. I still have some adjusting on my pole mount to do to get the rest of the arc (i think my pole is off of plumb a little), but am very happy that i was able to get as much as i could without having to make any adjustments to the pole, polar mount or actuator arm
So much for worrying about having the proper declination set........
Currently I am using my Drake 1724 analog reciever to set skew, polarity and to control dish movement, while my satworks 3618 is used soley as a reciever. I would like to use my satworks to control polarity and skew as well, but i am unable to get that to work properly ( the satworks isnt controlling polarity). I have gone into the system setup on the satworks and have set "skew" to on, what else do i have to do?
Also i guess i need a splitter so that i can use the Drake 1724 to pick up analog stuff ,including PBS broadcast NTSC on IA6 and all the wonderful feeds I now have available. Should this be a standard satellite splitter, or do i need a splitter with a DC block on it? I also have a feeling i am going to be picking c/ku corotor pretty soon, but that will prolly wait till spring as i am NOT going up 14' on a step ladder set on ice/snow again any time soon
Finally i want to thank all of you yet again, i have learned a huge amount about setting up satellite systems here, your knowledge has been invaluable to my success.
Well we had our annual December thaw last Wed. and Thur. so Friday I decided to hook all the cableing up to my BUD.The ground was still frozen so i was not able to bury the direct burial ribbon cable, right now it is just laying on the ground, covered by the 12" of snow we got Sat and Sun. Hopefully it will be fine until spring <crosses fingers>.
All I can say is YEEEEHAAAAAAA

Currently I am using my Drake 1724 analog reciever to set skew, polarity and to control dish movement, while my satworks 3618 is used soley as a reciever. I would like to use my satworks to control polarity and skew as well, but i am unable to get that to work properly ( the satworks isnt controlling polarity). I have gone into the system setup on the satworks and have set "skew" to on, what else do i have to do?
Also i guess i need a splitter so that i can use the Drake 1724 to pick up analog stuff ,including PBS broadcast NTSC on IA6 and all the wonderful feeds I now have available. Should this be a standard satellite splitter, or do i need a splitter with a DC block on it? I also have a feeling i am going to be picking c/ku corotor pretty soon, but that will prolly wait till spring as i am NOT going up 14' on a step ladder set on ice/snow again any time soon

Finally i want to thank all of you yet again, i have learned a huge amount about setting up satellite systems here, your knowledge has been invaluable to my success.