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Need a better firmware for GeoSat MicroHD Receiver | SatelliteGuys.US

Need a better firmware for GeoSat MicroHD Receiver


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2008
Hi folks,

With the last and latest firmware and channel list from June 26, 2013 for the GeoSat Pro Micro HD
receiver, is the "Failure". :mad:

Both the firmware and channel list, UDF suppose to bring in the latest satellite channels
as in MPEG4. I don't see any of the MPEG4 satellite channels on my C-band system.

I need the new firmware or new UDF for channel list. Or maybe the microchips
set inside the MicroHD receiver isn't complying with the new firmware and new UDF.

Here's the problem.

When I tuned in at Galaxy 14 satellite, C-band, I don't see PBS as in MPEG4 channel.
That's what GeoSat Pro told me. Nope, not there.

And I didn't know there's even more problem when it comes to aim at Galaxy 16

My favorite channels, such as KCYW-13, Wyoming isn't there.
No Puero Rico channel that shows ABC East - Horiznontial
No U.S. Virgin Island channel that shows WNBC - Horizontal
NO ABC East channel - Vertical

I think there's a problem with the firmware from June 26th, when it comes
to BLIND SCAN, it shows the list of both Vertical and Horizontal, "FAILED"
while blind scanning the satellite.

There's NO problem with the DISEqC switch with C/Ku band receiver, for
slaving the Micro HD GeoSat Pro receiver.
There's NO problem with the 10 foot mesh dish antenna.
There's NO problem with the 24 inch actuator arm.

When I blind scan on Galaxy 14 C-band, I'm able to get back the TBN
and the Church channels.

When I blind scan on Galaxy 16 C-band, All I got are the following:

SNG - Horizontal
LeaSea 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 - Horizontal

GDMX channels - Vertical

NO KCWY-13 Wyoming - Horizontal
NO U.S. Virgin Island, NBC - Horizontal
NO Puero Rico, ABC - Horizontal
NO ABC East - Vertical

Now, I can prove that there's NOTHING wrong with the
system, accept GeoSat Pro Micro HD receiver.

Here's the proof...

I hook up "Skybox" to slave it. Which I disconnect the MicroHD
GeoSat receiver.

With the Skybox receiver, which doesn't support Closed Captioned....
Skybox has it ALL!!! :D

Skybox receiver able to blind scan Galaxy 16, C-band, and got'em all.
Got he U.S. Virgin Island and Puero Rico channel, and ABC-East.

So, there you got it, NOW you know.
There's nothing wrong with the big dish
There's nothing wrong with the slaving with the DISEqC switch
and splitters for C/Ku band.

The question is, can anyone here can help
with my MicroHD GeoSat receiver with the newer firmware and UDF???

Before I install the new firmware and new UDF, I did see the channels
on Galaxy 16, C-band, KCWY Wyoming, and ABC-East and U.S. Virgin
Island and Puero Rico, channels. And when I installed the new firmware
and new UDF, they're gone, or NOT able to pick them up.

I may have to go look for another receiver that support Closed Captioned,
and that has a better blind scan.

I'd contacted GeoSat tech support and sales support by e-mails,, but never heard
from them.

Just thought to let you know.

No problem here. Been running June 2013 firmware for almost a year with no issues. Record the 99w networks prime time line-up daily using a 1.2m dish.

There is no other MPEG4 STB that does Closed Captioning. Kinda narrows the field of receiver choices.... :D

Did you do a factory reset and remove the power source after updating? Maybe try a factory reset and reload the firmware?

Brian Gohl
Titanium Satellite
I don't think there's any PBS at 125W on C band, [Galaxy 14], only on 125 W Ku, AMC 21. I'd give what Titanium suggested a try. What do you mean when you say hooking up the Sky box to slave it? Slave to what? I didn't think that the MicroHD could be slaved?
No problems here as I'm getting all those channels on BOTH my systems with Micro HD receivers running that June 2013 firmware?? :confused: I'm with Brian, ie, I'd do a firmware reload and start over to see if that fixes it.
Hi Folks,
Thanks for your FAST respond.

Well, I was told by a guy at GeoSat Pro is once I install the firmware, is to
turn-off, unplug the cord, wait about a minute, and plug it back in, reboot it,
and there you go. Start installing satellites. But I was never told to factory
Reset. I thought rebooting with the new firmware from June 2013 would
factory reset??? I was going to delete channels. for an option.

I always do a factory reset before loading new firmware via USB. Remove the power after the update completes. Perform a factory reset again before programming. Maybe a bit overboard, but I have also never accidentally boot looped a micro!

Brian Gohl
Titanium Satellite
In the first post of the thread on the June 2013 firmware release in bold RED lettering it states:

Warning: The GSPMHD_20130626 / maincode date 2013-2-18 is a main system file and will overwrite all user settings and channel scans.

We strongly recommend users to perform a Factory Reset and Remove the Power Plug for 10 seconds to power cycle the STB after the firmware update is completed.

Every firmware release I have ever seen released for this box it was always stated to do a factory reset, upgrade, do anther factory reset, proceed... ;)
Okay folks, here's my situation...

THE NEW 2013 FIRMWARE. In fact, maybe I shouldn't have bother about it,
because of NEW MPEG4 feature.

Slaving the MicroHD does work, BEFORE installing the new 2013 firmware.
I had no problem with it by slaving the GeoSat MicroHD with the C/Ku band
analog satellite receiver. It worked great to watch C-band digital channels.

But you have to be aware of the Poloarity, you have to switch the channel on the
analog receiver to get to either Horizontal or Vertical in order to watch digital
channels on C-band satellites. I have no problem with this. Used to it for a year. : - )))

Okay, here's what I've done....

I was told in this thread is to "Factory reset", before uploading the NEW 2013 firmware.
After complete, I selected "Factory reset" again. As I was told to do. Then once
the receiver starts up or boots up, or whatever you want to call it, I turns it off and
unplug the cord for 10 seconds, that's what I was told to do.

Then I plug the cord back in, and then I programed the satellites.

As for Galaxy 16, it turned out to be the same issue. BUT, I got Puero Rico
channel that shows ABC East. And U.S. Virgiin Island that shows NBC East,/
Both channels shows Closed captioned, but they're NOT in English. Which
they don't provide.: - ((((
I got Leasea channels, TELESISTEMA 2, and SGN channel.
I only got 14 to 20 channels in Horizontal after blind scan twice.
I don't see KCWY 13 Wyomy.

While blind scanning, it listed most of the Horizontal "FAILED".

When I switch to Vertical I got 21 or 24 channels, I think.
And it listed Vertical "FAILED" most of them.
I got GDMX channels and TPC channel. NO ABC East, like I used to before updating
the 2013 firmware.

When you blind scan, I choose "TV channels" and either "Vertical" or "Horizontal".
NOT "Auto". I tried that, and "Auto" option shows "Notice no channels". : - (((
For Scan mode, I selected "Programed TPs" instead of "Blind scan Normal" or
"Blind scan Detailed". Those options didn't work, than it DID LAST YEAR, up until I started
using the NEW 2013 firmware, a month ago. And again, TODAY with a Factory reset option.

When I first got the GeoSat MicroHD, a year ago, I didn't need to use the above options.
I used "Auto". So, now TODAY, it seems like doing the blind scan manual by selecting
"Programed TPs" for Scan mode.

That never happen before installing the new 2013 firmware.

And again, TODAY I removed the GeoSat MicroHD from the slave, and replace with
Skybox receiver, for the TEST. And again, the Skybox shows it ALL.
It showed channels on Galaxy 16, C-band that I couldn't get on GeoSat MicroHD with the
new 2013 firmware.

Skybox showed KCWY 13 Wyoming, Horizontal, and ABC EAST, Vertical.
But Skybox doesn't support Closed captioning.

In my opinion, I think that either the new 2013 or the new channel list 2013 missed
out some of the channels that the OLDER firmware and OLDER channel list, had, before
June 2013 updates.

So, at my end, I showed you the differences between two receivers with C-band system
by slave.

I don't know what to tell you about the GeoSat MicroHD with the new 2013 firmware.
I wanted to see what is like for seeing the MPEG4, but I didn't expect to see a problem like this.

So, there you got it from my out come.

Would it be cool to share a UDF or firmware file to see the differences???
Because once you blind scan for the first time, it goes right into the file and you
can see the list of channels by using a software on the computer that allows you
to view or edit channel list. "Media Box Editor Studio" tool.

Just thought to let you know what I've done, ALL DAY, TODAY.

Last edited:
I don't think the 2013 firmware was for MPEG4, think it was other things:

  • Modified PID/SID Auto Update - Modified the PID/SID auto update function to prevent overwriting of existing program and service identifications.
  • Corrected Motor Move - Motor movement is now continuous between two motor positions or calculations. GoTo X time is now set for 60 second timeout for correct positioning with some non-compliant DiSEqC 1.2 devices.
  • Satellite List - Name Changes
Maybe go back to the older firmware that worked for you? I too. like others, am using that firmware and have no problems with it, but on the previous firmwares I also didn't have any problems receiving any channels other than Movies! because of that and MeTV both scanning with the same name, or something like that.

If you had a problem with MPEG4 previously, maybe there's something else going on other than a firmware problem.
Hi A Raine,
Thanks for your respond..
Here are the links from GeoSat Pro.

What???? My mistake??? Oops???:mad:
I think NOW they ment to BUY another MicroHD
receiver that will receive MPEG4???
That's not what the sale guy said ???:confused:

The sale guy from GeoSat Pro told me that the firmware
from June 2013 and UDF file does has MPEG4 for my
previous MicroHD. He knows I purchased the MicroHD.
in 2013. So, why he thinks the June 2013 firmware would
upgrade my OLD MicroHD unit, IF it for NEWER MicroHD
on May 29th???? This is becoming confusion and wasting
a lot of times. :confused: I should've kept the old firmware in the first place.
Why believe what the sale guy says???

Hi A Raine, again....

Where do I find the PID / SID Auto update???
Where do I find Motor correction movement???

I'm using the DISEqC switch with the MicroHD receiver,
being slaved with the GI 650i C/Ku band receiver, analog,
with splitters for C and Ku band cables to the DISEqC switch.
To watch digital cahnnels from the 10 foot mesh dish antenna.
With Co-Rotor II feedhorn, and with Norstat 8225R LNB,
C-band, DRO.

The Motor / switch settings:

DISEqC 1.0 I selected "Port 1"
DISEqC 1.1 I selected "Distabled".
I just discovered that and made settings, last night after my
recent post.:confused:

Because the NEW firmware erased my old settings for
the DISEqC switch settings. :mad:

22K I selected "Off".

The microHD always received MPEG2 and MPEG4 signals. MPEG4 was not added at a later date or with different firmware. If you had never updated the factory firmware that your microHD was shipped with, there are many improvements with the later firmware versions that added functions/features and fixed problems.

I think that you misunderstood the firmware updates that A Raine mentioned. The June 2013 update prevented the automatic updating of PIDs and SIDs on previously logged channels. This was to address the Movies! channel problems. The Continuous motor move was to prevent the motor from stopping while in movement between programmed postions. These are not functions that a user can address in the menus.
Hi A Raine, again....

Where do I find the PID / SID Auto update???
Where do I find Motor correction movement???

I'm using the DISEqC switch with the MicroHD receiver,
being slaved with the GI 650i C/Ku band receiver, analog,
with splitters for C and Ku band cables to the DISEqC switch.
To watch digital cahnnels from the 10 foot mesh dish antenna.
With Co-Rotor II feedhorn, and with Norstat 8225R LNB,
C-band, DRO.

The Motor / switch settings:

DISEqC 1.0 I selected "Port 1"
DISEqC 1.1 I selected "Distabled".
I just discovered that and made settings, last night after my
recent post.:confused:

Because the NEW firmware erased my old settings for
the DISEqC switch settings. :mad:

22K I selected "Off".


Titanium is correct, what he said is what I meant and correct. The MIcroHD can handle MPEG4, regardless of what firmware is in it, so you don't need to buy a newer MicroHD for MPEG4 capability. Yours should be able to handle MPEG4, regardless of what firmware it has in it.

I'd mentioned it because in an earlier post you'd said that you'd updated to the new firmware to get MPEG4 capability and you shouldn't have to update the firmware for that, MPEG4 should work with all the firmwares for the MicroHD and if it wasn't, then there may be some other problem somewhere.

When you do a firmware update, all of the settings will go back to default and you will have to reset them.

I myself don't know what the settings should be when you slave two receivers in the way that you have, I've never done that myself. I've looked at that very same slave kit on Sadoun's site before, but I've never used one. Did you get the settings back in and get it working?

If not, I think all you'll have to do is in the DISEqC 1.0 menu, you'll have to set port 1 for your C Band sats and port 2 for your Ku ones, [that's assuming that the C is connected to port 1 of the switch and the Ku to port 2] 22 KHz off. You'll also have to set your LO settings for the LNB's again, 5150 for the C Band LNB and if your Ku LNB is linear, 10750 for that, or if it's universal, 10600.

Here's a link to your slaving kit on Sadoun's site so if someone else wants to see what your using and maybe can help:


Setting up a motor - am I doing this right?

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