Ok, I'm almost ready to take the plunge. With the new promo's for HD and the fact that I can keep my 921 and upgrade for basically $99, I figured that I would ask for some of your expert opinions.
Being a 921 owner that paid a pile of money for a lot of buggy issues, I'm more than a little concerned about the 622 issues; audio problems, pixelation, HDMI problems, lock up, etc. Should I wait for the 612 in hopes that MPEG 4 and software issues will have been resolved by then? Seems like the 942 was a huge improvement over the 921. I don't have HD locals available yet in my area and honestly there isn't much that has been added in MPEG4 that is that compelling. I do on the other hand like a lot of the new features that are available on the 622 that are not available on the 921.
Also, since I have never leased before; if a new and improved receiver comes out, can I exchange for the one? On leased receivers, if something breaks, are they replaced or serviced for free?
Being a 921 owner that paid a pile of money for a lot of buggy issues, I'm more than a little concerned about the 622 issues; audio problems, pixelation, HDMI problems, lock up, etc. Should I wait for the 612 in hopes that MPEG 4 and software issues will have been resolved by then? Seems like the 942 was a huge improvement over the 921. I don't have HD locals available yet in my area and honestly there isn't much that has been added in MPEG4 that is that compelling. I do on the other hand like a lot of the new features that are available on the 622 that are not available on the 921.
Also, since I have never leased before; if a new and improved receiver comes out, can I exchange for the one? On leased receivers, if something breaks, are they replaced or serviced for free?