Beginning of the end...
Cheers, K
Beginning of the end...
Cheers, K
Haven't subbed to Showtime/Max/Stz in years.We got the HBO half off deal once.We have had netflix for over 2 years now.Not only do they have original series,they also have many tv series from past seasons,plus movies,all on demand and commercial free.To me it's the best bargain in tv land.
Well, soon you probably won't be able to distinguish between a premium channel and a regular channel as they throw crap up on the screen DURING programming. Cinemax puts a hashtag during Banshee (not even the courtesy of at least making it transparent like Showtime's channel bug) and Starz throws up pop up graphics.
Renting on disc IS the only way to watch a movie with peace of mind a station isn't going to throw up something on screen or mess with the end credits. (Netflix streaming needs an option to disable that putting the end credits in a little box.)
On the Roku, if you move the selection up to the little credits screen box on the upper left, you can select it and it will go back to full screen.I can't read those Netflix credits in the box either. I like to look for location s the show was shot and my wife also follows the credits. Agree they need to allow the full movie to end full screen..
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