HD Netflix streaming comes to Xbox 360 first - Engadget
This is a big WOW. I can't wait to get the update now.
This is a big WOW. I can't wait to get the update now.
I don't like that it says it is only for XBox Live Gold members. I don't play any of my XBox games on-line right now so I never had a reason to get a gold membership.
Most games with online features come with an x months free card too. They're adding more than just the games themselves that use online, stuff like 1 vs 100 is going to be available (perhaps for free?) to play online as your avatar I believe.
I forgot to mention. The CSR's initial solution was for me to return it. But since I'm beyond the 30 day return window, she advised me to sell the Roku player on eBay and buy an Xbox 360...
A funny response when all I wanted to point out was that they indicated HD would be available on the Roku once HD streaming was feasible and that I wanted them to deliver on that statement.
Cnet reporting more than just 360
HD streaming set to premiere on all Netflix boxes | The Web Services Report - CNET News
Simple, netflix is one company and microsoft another. When Blueray won the format war that was a big blow for microsoft so now those hd dvd drives are useless paperweights and a revenue loss for Gates and friends. So what does microsoft do to stem the loss of capital but work out a deal with netflix and then add to that that it only go to gold member's. Myself I wont be taking advantage of if even if I can aford it because theres still only a handful of movies in hd and I still struggle with the $15. a month I spend on HD now given that so much of whats on the hd channels is upconvertd SD.That is all fine but why should I have to pay for Netflix and then pay for a gold membership just to stream the movies that I am already paying for? Does not seem right to me.
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