The point is that the files are recorded during the day when I am away from home or traveling.
I want to be able to download them remotely, which means nothing that requires my physical presence (like unplugging a USB disk) will work.
I appreciate the suggestions though.
Someone is bound to make a USB switch box that can be operated by remote command rather than pushing a physical button.
If not, build one.
I put my disk on a USB 1x4 switch, I connected port 1 to the MicroHD and port 4 to a miniature laptop which is on my lan..
I push the switch box button while I know the satellite is not recording and it becomes connected to the laptop.
Then I can move the files through the laptop, through the lan into my Mac. After it's done I can switch it back to the satellite.
Only thing I see as a problem is that you're supposed to use the menu system of the tuner to "disconnect" the disk before you actually remove it (via switch or power)..
I don't know if it would cause harm to the disk or files if you just punch the switch without a proper disconnect routine. I'm sure someone else will know this better, I'm afraid to try it.
Anyhow, taking this to the next level, there must be a device somewhere out there that will switch USB ports by sending a command to it or an electrical signal without you having to physically push a button.
If so, you could use a RaspberryPi mini computer. I bought one to act as a weather station and in learning about it I see people do all sorts of wild and crazy things with them. You could probably even use one in place of the mini laptop to move the files and I'm sure it could be used to control an electronic USB switch box such as this,
Here's another one that could be made to flip the switch,
This young lady has a big online store selling things to connect up stuff like this. She's a flippin genius !
I've been googling this for over a year now trying to figure out a way to do the very same thing.
The only reason I haven't done it is,
1. Concerns about disconnecting the disk from the tuner improperly
2. I'm not sure how to make the RaspberryPi "flip a switch" (cut the switch pad from the thing above and wire it to the RPi)
3. I have no idea how to program anything.
One other option is an
Electric Imp. I bought one because
I saw an article showing how to use one to open and close your garage door with your iPhone from anywhere in the world.
Here's a lot better page with more info on the Imp than the Imp site provides,
I got absolutely nowhere with it at all because I could not figure out the programming part. But it's a tiny little thing about the size of a book of matches that has wifi and will "flip switches".
I'm just dumb as a bag of rocks about programming.
(Now that I went back and looked up the original article I see the guy now sells a simple gadget to get the job done that is plug and play. Theoretically. I may buy one because I still want to do that.
Either the DIY or the kit he now sells should be able to "flip the switch" of the USB switch box.)
But I'm sure there are oodles of you guys out there that would be able to breeze through something like that in minutes.