my receiver has been working fine until it fell off table today and i lost a picture. i've put all the wiring back in place but still no picture just a Network is Down on my screen. there's got to be any easy solution. any help is proceeded.
any help is appreciated i meantmy receiver has been working fine until it fell off table today and i lost a picture. i've put all the wiring back in place but still no picture just a Network is Down on my screen. there's got to be any easy solution. any help is proceeded.
What model receiver is it (that's usually the best place to start)?my receiver has been working fine until it fell off table today and i lost a picture.
600 do yall think it might need replacingWhat model receiver is it (that's usually the best place to start)?
That's not a complete model number. Is this a Motorola HDDSR 600?600 do yall think it might need replacing
yes thats my receiver and its shaw direct. this isnt the first time its done this and am wondering if a new receiver would help the situation and i'm in louisianaThat's not a complete model number. Is this a Motorola HDDSR 600?
Please note that you haven't shared what satellite service this receiver is for.
Did this receiver still work just before it fell off the table? Or when was the last time you used it? I didn't think Shaw Direct signals reached that far South anymore...i'm in louisiana
was working perfectly and the F2 sattelite is still putting great signal this far south and has most of the channels. the new shaw sattelite Anik is not available but F2 has all you and newsDid this receiver still work just before it fell off the table? Or when was the last time you used it? I didn't think Shaw Direct signals reached that far South anymore...
p.s. I still think your coax cable got damaged, and is no longer receiving signal from the lnb. Remove it from the receiver, and look it all over carefully. Make sure the stinger comes out the end about 1/4 inch, and otherwise look in the barrel to make sure it didn't do damage in there from being yanked.
The Network Down message isn't about the coax cable - it is about the RJ45 computer network cable is not plugged in. It doesn't have any affect on the satellite reception.
If the receiver is not seeing the LNB/Dish or is out of point you will see a message that it has lost satellite reception and will have a red light on the front of the receiver
Are you sure you're not on a music channel and volume off or some channel with no picture?
on the back of my receiver are three plugins, one for SAT, one for HDML and one for POWER. why wont they work
the screen has to receiver has lost satellite signal but it also has , network is down, in the top right corner. i've got my satellite coming but i dont know. i'll show him your message. its so frustrating to look at the receiver with both the green and red light on yet cant get the frazzling thing to show a picture
ok this happened tonite. i have the tv on and the screen says: attention receiver has lost satellite signal and then in the top corner says network is down. well tonite it popped on and worked for about 5 minutes then it went back to the way it was.If you have a red light on the front of the box then your receiver is not seeing the satellite.
Check the connector on the coax cable from the dish. Is it damaged?
Check that the coax cable from the dish is in the SAT input and not the RF output.
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