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New Beta Available - TimeTrax Recast V 1.5 | SatelliteGuys.US

New Beta Available - TimeTrax Recast V 1.5

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 5, 2005
Hey everyone,

We are pleased to announce that a new version of TimeTrax is available for download as an Open Beta.

It can be found here:

As always comments and experiences for the beta can be made either in this thread or via e-mail to: ONLY.

Please do not open support tickets for Beta software as they will not be addressed.

We are looking for feedback and will not work on every report individually, however we may ask you to do some further testing or generate a debug for us in which case we will do so via e-mail.


Is this Beta version the one meant to solve the Blue Screen problem with XP and Creative sound card?
I has some different code in it for many different functions.

If you could try it and let us know it would be helpful.

Sorry - I tried it this morning and blue screen occurred again. Was this release meant to solve this problem?
dserianni said:
Hey everyone,
We are pleased to announce that a new version of TimeTrax is available for download as an Open Beta.
It can be found here:
As always comments and experiences for the beta can be made either in this thread or via e-mail to: ONLY.
Please do not open support tickets for Beta software as they will not be addressed.
We are looking for feedback and will not work on every report individually, however we may ask you to do some further testing or generate a debug for us in which case we will do so via e-mail.

I would like to test this application however I might also want to switch back and forth between a known good application (Version 3.2 for me).

Will this cause an issue with the registration process as I will continue to register and re-register different versions and so on?

I plan on using the cleaner in between installs.
Beta site says 1.5 is time limited.. How long is the limit? Does 1.4 need to be uninstalled? What is the best procedure to load 1.5 and still be able to go back to 1.4? What about the registration process if I uninstall 1.4. Do I need to register 1.5 and if so how
mahogany said:
Beta site says 1.5 is time limited.. How long is the limit? Does 1.4 need to be uninstalled? What is the best procedure to load 1.5 and still be able to go back to 1.4? What about the registration process if I uninstall 1.4. Do I need to register 1.5 and if so how

Just install 1.5 Beta over 1.4

It will maintain your keys etc.

If you go back to 1.4 just uninstall and re-install. Keys will remain the same.

Time Limited means that the beta software may only be available for download on our site for a limited time. Not that the beta software will expire.

Blue screen again


I was getting excited as it was working for 5 hours before I went to bed but the machine dumped again last night. I've got it started up again and will see how long it will be recording today. Please keep plugging away at the code:music:

TT Recast 1.5 Beta

Installed TT Recast Beta 1.5:

Recevied error '91' right after registering - registration responded successfully so I am not sure if this was error that was waiting in the background for the registration window to close or if it was due to the registration itself. TT was purchased for me as a gift a while back.

Still see CPU Spike and LONG delay in getting the Timer Schedule to open. This might be due to hitting the REGISTRY for this information (which I beleive is a complete MISTAKE - but thats just me) however - on a dual core Athlon, 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM, with a Raptor 74GB 10k RPM drive. This delay is just insane.


In order to READ this graph, the FIRST SPIKE on BOTH CPU windows is from the TaskManager just Loading (this happens to everyone). The Time Trax Scheduler Spike happens in the SECOND CPU window and is that the ENTIRE second spike. The Spike goes away when the Scheduler finally opens.

For comparison, Here is what TaskManager Looks like when you load Adobe Image Ready CS-2 (9)

2 Spikes, 2 CPUs, both SHORTER than loading the SCHEDULER from Time Trax.

My Peanut Gallery Recomendations:
1. After the FIRST LOAD, cache location of the XM PCR / Direct unit on which port and check there first, the length in time it takes to scan seems to be FOREVER.
2. Remove the Schedule from the REGISTRY. Not only does it NOT belong there, but it would be MUCH easier to use a comma or TAB seperated file, in which, users could at least use to import and export the scheduler to another machine for upgrades and computer swaps.
3. I am not sure if RECAST set this or I accidentally set this in the OLDER version I jus tupgraded from - but recast should not be by default set to the
HIGH PRIORITY task level, this could cause people with less powerful machines to be stuck.
4. Drop Down boxes for the Presets got 'sticky'. Clicking and holding on the slider to drag down to the BPM channel became a huge chore. The slider locked on something else and did not scroll. Then, when it was high-lighted, I just tried to use the UP/DOWN arrows to change it, and it bounced out of being 'selected' and then NOTHING was selected. Forcing me back to clicking the box again and try to scroll the channels.
5. When changing the recording the AREA to another DRIVE, Time Trax wanted to restart. Why is this? Why not just use the portion of code that changes and makes new directories to force this shift/change to the new drive. For example, if you are running to record on C, and choose D, you stop timeshifting, change location, start time timeshifting, pop-up message box that reminds the user to clean up the old directories. Just bothersome that the application needed a restart - you change folders before and after recordings a drive is extremely similiar.
6. When a scheduled recording is taking place, it is almost impossible to stop it. YOU should be able to OVER RIDE this without going into the Scheduler to turn it off, then waiting for the Time Trax Recast APP to react to the change and stop recording.

Its gonna run over the weekend and we will see what happens.

Currently, its running on a:
Athlon x2 64 2.2Ghz
2GB Ram
ASUS A8N-Premium Mobo
OnBoard Sound by RealTek
Nvidia 7800GT (BFG)
(1) 74GB Raptor 10K RPM SATA drive (OS - Programs)
(1) 250GB Hitachi 7200 RPM SATA Drive (TT recording area and other Media)
(1) Sony DVDR

The Process Thread Priority is set to ABOVE NORMAL.
Last edited:
I have been struggling getting the Volume and levels situated for the XM202 Channel and the Opie & Anthony Show.

while bouncing back between levels and so on. I got these errors:



It then proceeded to CRASH, and I am left with the Audio being played, but nothing to control it.

This is something that I was hoping the newer versions might be able to handle better - the stupid audio is so hard to control.

Let me know if there is anything I should supply.


Being a new user, I haven't much experience with the program or it's bugs, but I wanted to chime in for feedback on 1.5. First, I couldn't seem to keep version 1.4 up long enough to even begin a recording. Mind you, this is on a machine with a hard-wired DSL connection, so that was not the cause for it's simply "blinking out" and disappearing from the screen within about 2 minutes of starting up.

Version 1.5 gave me none of those issues, with absolutely no changes made to the machine configuration, hardware, or ethernet. I did find that 1.5 caused some lock-ups as I worked my way through the various menus, not even recording anything. The machine continued to respond, but Recast was completely un-responsive, and any attempts to kill the process resulted in just getting another kill event in the tool bar. A hard power-off/reboot was the only way to clear the machine.

I also experienced the elusive "disappearing store folder" which some other users have reported. This I found quite odd, for first it was there, then not, then it was there again. I am not kidding! The folder would simply not be in the list of file folders, then it would be. Luckily, this behaviour has not returned and things have remained stable, but this was very strange...I thought I was just overlooking it, but checking the comments posted in another thread, some others have also seen this.

The time-shifting schedule has not worked for me either. I have found that it does change the channel at the correct time, but it does not record the event. I was recording a non-time event channel at the time of the scheduled time, the channel changed, but never actually entered record.

The good news for me, is that I have found it to be working well after several hours of use, so it seems that it does not lock up or crash runing unattended.

The machine it is running on...don't a Celeron 500Mhz with 128MB ram and a Creative Labs Audigy2z all operating under Windows 2000 Sp3. I have dedicated this relic for this task only, and so the software load on the machine is quite bare otherwise.
I should also make it known that I am not using the XM - ONLINE function at the same time as using the XM PCR - just the XM PCR.

Just incase someone decided to EVER check this thread from the TT Camp :)

(I know - I know - its Vegas :) )
I have had the folders disappear and reappear, I have had the folders disappear and not reappear with 1.4 and 1.5 along with restarts, Only 1 restart with 1.5 so far.
with 1.5 running, I seem to have issues doubleclicking anything, not just recast. I even changed recast to the lowest priority possible thinkin it might be that. even single clicks in recast are difficult. however this might be my machine, its needed a rebuild lately.

I also have the disapearing folder, however it only disapears when the folder is empy. Without at least 1 mp3 saved, its fine.

when manual recording is running, it completely ignores the scheduled recordings.

I've had a couple channel changes change the display correctly but never changes the channel.

not really about the beta, but 10 schedules are no longer enough. sirius has been bringing in a lot of new shows and while I can't listen to everythin I want to record, trying to archive them for when I can requires almost daily changes to the schedule to fit everything. Also would be great to name the schedule so I can at a glance know what modifying.
Just to clarify a couple things for you guys:

1) Dissapearing folders are normal. If there is nothing to save in the folder TimeTrax will not save the folder either. You are correct in saying that without at least 1 mp3 saved it is fine. Why would you want a bunch of empty directory folders? So.... If TimeTrax doesn't record anything the storage directory is removed. This is normal operation of the software and how it is designed.

2) You are correct. When you are manually recording the Schdule is ignored. If you want to use the Schedule you need to not be in record mode. This is how the software is designed and was a requested feature. I guess you can't please everyone everytime. I assume you would like the scheudle to over-ride the manual recording?

3) More than 10 schedules is a good idea... we will look into that one.

As for everything else.... we are listening...... I just wanted to comment about the folders as it is silly to debate this as a bug as it is not.

dserianni said:
Just to clarify a couple things for you guys:
2) You are correct. When you are manually recording the Schdule is ignored. If you want to use the Schedule you need to not be in record mode. This is how the software is designed and was a requested feature. I guess you can't please everyone everytime. I assume you would like the scheudle to over-ride the manual recording?

I think a pop-up box or check box for certain recordings to force a pop-up and then time out and goahead with the schedule is important.

For instance. I go thru the channels, and BPM has my favorite DJ on, so I start recording and walk away. In 20 minutes or so, I had a scheduled recording come up, I would like to see a pop-up, that asks, (maybe 5 minutes before) I have a scheduled recording - change the channel OR over ride this by the check box being checked in the scheduler.

Something like that should please a larger group of people considering it coveres a lot of bases. However, this whole peice belongs in the Future Feature thread. :)
OK, as far as the disappearing folder...thanks for the clarification. It was just un-expected behaviour, based on the way typical programs treat folders.

Whenever the program stops responding, I can only force power off to clear the problem and restart. This is not a good way to correct for lock-ups, but is probably due to the high priority thread setting, hopefully to be addressed in future releases.

Maybe we could check which has priority, manual or timed? I could imagine recording a channel manually, but expect the timer to take over while un-attended, then return to the previous manual channel after the timed event is finished. Well, maybe we are trying to stretch this...first, though, I think we all would like to stamp out a few of the current bugs.

Keep up the good work, though!
dserianni said:
Just to clarify a couple things for you guys:
1) Dissapearing folders are normal. If there is nothing to save in the folder TimeTrax will not save the folder either. You are correct in saying that without at least 1 mp3 saved it is fine. Why would you want a bunch of empty directory folders? So.... If TimeTrax doesn't record anything the storage directory is removed. This is normal operation of the software and how it is designed.

Just thinking out loud here... but - if you can handle the creation and removal of folders. Why the required RESTART of the application if you need to change the DRIVE that TT records to? Why not just handle it?
1. After the FIRST LOAD, cache location of the XM PCR / Direct unit on which port and check there first, the length in time it takes to scan seems to be FOREVER.

It does do this already. It first tries the most recent port number and type (XM/Sirius) that was used. If it doesn't find what it wants there, it starts scanning every port for either XM or Sirius hardware.

2. Remove the Schedule from the REGISTRY. Not only does it NOT belong there, but it would be MUCH easier to use a comma or TAB seperated file, in which, users could at least use to import and export the scheduler to another machine for upgrades and computer swaps.

This will be added to the suggestion list. However, it is not the registry that is taking the time to bring the Scheduler screen up - it is the hundreds of individual controls on the screen that take time to draw - on some PC's more time than others. We're looking at options to solve this.

3. I am not sure if RECAST set this or I accidentally set this in the OLDER version I jus tupgraded from - but recast should not be by default set to the
HIGH PRIORITY task level, this could cause people with less powerful machines to be stuck.

Some slower PC's require this in order to create real-time MP3's without stuttering or breaks in the audio. To avoid the onslaught of tickets from people with this problem, the priority default was set at high.

4. Drop Down boxes for the Presets got 'sticky'. Clicking and holding on the slider to drag down to the BPM channel became a huge chore. The slider locked on something else and did not scroll. Then, when it was high-lighted, I just tried to use the UP/DOWN arrows to change it, and it bounced out of being 'selected' and then NOTHING was selected. Forcing me back to clicking the box again and try to scroll the channels.

This is a well known problem. The cause is known, and we're working on a solution. It isn't as bad as it used to be. :) As always, there is a trade-off to be had between control responsiveness and internal recording performance and operation.

5. When changing the recording the AREA to another DRIVE, Time Trax wanted to restart. Why is this? Why not just use the portion of code that changes and makes new directories to force this shift/change to the new drive. For example, if you are running to record on C, and choose D, you stop timeshifting, change location, start time timeshifting, pop-up message box that reminds the user to clean up the old directories. Just bothersome that the application needed a restart - you change folders before and after recordings a drive is extremely similiar.

Because this folder is constantly in use by a background thread to record the temporary MP3 file. Attempting to change folders and synchronize thread changes would (did) cause crashes. The process in which to do this reliably is very messy and results in leftover files and temporary folders, so this was deemed the safest and most reliable method.

6. When a scheduled recording is taking place, it is almost impossible to stop it. YOU should be able to OVER RIDE this without going into the Scheduler to turn it off, then waiting for the Time Trax Recast APP to react to the change and stop recording.

This is by design. If you create a schedule that is actually in operation that second, it will begin recording it right away. The schedule task continually evaluates all schedules, and if it finds one is active, it begins recording - it is doing this 24/7 whenever TimeTrax is in operation. If you were able to stop recording, the schedule task would simply start it right back up again.
GSMacLean said:
This will be added to the suggestion list. However, it is not the registry that is taking the time to bring the Scheduler screen up - it is the hundreds of individual controls on the screen that take time to draw - on some PC's more time than others. We're looking at options to solve this.

Great response & Great info...

I guess the only problem I have is understanding why this would happen on such a power ful machine, It seems so ridiculous...

Specs of the machine are as follows:

Asus A8N Premium
Athlon 2.2 GHz Dual Core
2GB Ram
BFG 7800GT Nvidia PCI-Express
WD Raptor 10kRPM 74GB drive
Hitachi 7200 RPM 250GB drive.

I am just really weird'd out by the processing power it decided to take to load that screen. There's gotta be something else in there causing that - not just all the line and controls.

Thanks again.
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