ok so knowing that, is there any way i can make sure i get the latest and greatest? anything i can say or request from directtv to make sure i have the best one? and btw, which receiver is the best one out right now?
Curious, What do you consider the greatest ?
Sometimes newer isn't better.
I prefer the old HR20's myself.
Ya i still got the HR20 til today... my HR20 puked on me this morning bc i lost all HD channels and wont recieve signals but i had that for a good 2 years.
not all of them are gonna be like mine.. ive seen some last a long time, and some are bad right out of the box.
Mine have been around since .... well one since '06 and the other since '07.
Gotta have my OTA tuner and don't want to have to ADD another device just to get what use to be all one.
you must be referring to HR20-700?
mines a HR20-100... (i was a HSP tech at the time i got this and this was NOT the latest that was out there but its what our contract employer had for us to use.)
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