Anybody know the size?
Anything else surfaced on this Dish yet? It's an intriguing design for a Dish/DirecTV satellite.
Became available in January. What additional info are you needing?
So its basically equivalent to a 1 meter oval dish?
I can see one of these popping up in the next photo of your Dish farm lol
I'd be curious to see pictures of it actually installed. Does it use the old fashion Eastern/Western Arc LNBs or a custom LNB designed just for this Dish? A google search still turns up zilch on this thing. You'd think Solid Signal and others would have it available by now? Would it help with rain fade/fringe reception areas vs the traditional dishes?
I can see one of these popping up in the next photo of your Dish farm lol
So its basically equivalent to a 1 meter oval dish?
How did you come to that value?
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