Hi I am an early Voomer from Nov, well now I'm out, called today about amount billed off my $300 credit, it was for $101.21 for a month service, well it included the first 10 days of April because, billing is from April 8 to May 8, I have the Vavavoom package, and then I wanted to change to basic plus one plus package, which they said would be free as a charter member, they said when I went to vavavoom package I lost the free plus package, no one told me that when they called to ask what packages I wanted, I think she said I could change at anytime, she forgot to mention that the free plus pack would not be available, that is the most ridiculious thing I ever heard, uninstallation is taking place on may 3, money back runs thru April 30, I really liked Voom, never complained, but you can't change the rules every minute and not tell people, maybe down the road when they get there act together I will check it out again
Great way to end the week!