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new policy at Voom - if you downgrade VAVAVOOM no more free plus pack | SatelliteGuys.US

new policy at Voom - if you downgrade VAVAVOOM no more free plus pack


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 16, 2004
Hi I am an early Voomer from Nov, well now I'm out, called today about amount billed off my $300 credit, it was for $101.21 for a month service, well it included the first 10 days of April because, billing is from April 8 to May 8, I have the Vavavoom package, and then I wanted to change to basic plus one plus package, which they said would be free as a charter member, they said when I went to vavavoom package I lost the free plus package, no one told me that when they called to ask what packages I wanted, I think she said I could change at anytime, she forgot to mention that the free plus pack would not be available, that is the most ridiculious thing I ever heard, uninstallation is taking place on may 3, money back runs thru April 30, I really liked Voom, never complained, but you can't change the rules every minute and not tell people, maybe down the road when they get there act together I will check it out again :mad: Great way to end the week!
Well, if this is the case, it was not conveyed to anyone very well.

P.S. moved your thread to General VoOm Forum..
Very typical of the way they seem to be doing things lately... frankly, they're going to screw themselves with their policies.
rjbar said:
...they said when I went to vavavoom package I lost the free plus package...
This is not what I was told when I checked with them last time. If I were you I would call them again and talk to another CSR. Could be a mistake.
Hi just called Voom about changing to basic plus free pack, and that is the new policy, no one told me that when I was contacted about which package I wanted if that were the case I would have taken the basic and free pack, and not the whole package, I can still change but it would be $39.90 plus $14.90 so be sure you want the whole $79.90 package or Voom will screw you again, but the way they change things there is no saying that tommorrow another new policy and prices would come out, still may keep voom calling dish today to see what there package would be, have to keep cable since I can't get locals, Very Sad The Way they are Running This Business, Because with the right people and policies it would work, but now I don't know
Voom seems intent on pushing it's initial subscribers to the curb in their quest for more people. They seem to have adopted the same mentality as the other major sat companies. I really don't get it. I can get treated like crap by my local cable company. I don't need to pay Voom to do it.

Until you have Cablevision as your cable provider you will constantly be surprised with the way VOOM will do business. Hearing this just brings back memories of the terrible Cablevision horrors.
Wait until they start raising prices.

Thats one of their favorite practices. (The highest priced cable provider in the nation). I bet Voom will be eventually too.
I'm wondering if anyone else was told the following when asked about coming off of the Free Period. "If you subscribe to Va Va Voom, the $79.90 price is locked in for the rest of this year, no matter how many channels are added." That was a pretty strong enticement to sign up for the big one.
That was supposed to be true... ut given the number of other supposed truths from CSRs that have changed, who knows. And you'll also note that you don't get PBHD ;)
Playing devils advocate...

VOOM did not make this policy change to piss off its customers. They are not trying to screw you. They simply crunched the numbers, and they found that it no longer makes financial sense for them to bundle a premium channel package, with the channels they are adding to the service. I have this info direct from VOOM.

The cost of the base programming / service in the $39.90/mo package when one premium was offered will soon be very different from the cost of the base programming in the $39.90/mo package with Marquee. When channels like ESPN are added, you won't be paying more for less. You'll be paying the same thing for X or X+ dollars in programming.

Some customers expect VOOM to "bite the bullet" for the cost of all the new programming that was and is being added to the base package. There was never any guarantee associated with the original $39.90 w/ choice of premium offer. Indeed, the programming agreement said product and pricing were subject to change at any time. The fact that seems to be lost on some is that they are still honoring the $39.90 w/ one premium deal for customers that stick with that package, while providing new and upcoming channels at no extra charge. They were under no obligation to do this.

In another thread, someone suggested that VOOM give customers the option of keeping the channels they have now (or as of 2 months ago), with the bundled premium package, and just add the new channels like ESPN and InHD for customers with the "new" $39.90/mo package. I'm not sure why they aren't doing this, but I would guess that contracts for certain channels require they be made available to all customers with the basic package.
I'm happy with the VVV package at $79.90. It's that 'subject to change' statement in your last paragraph, and the fact that new policies are being put in place without much notification (if any), that has me going on this. As long as Voom honors what they said at package sign-up time, I'll be fine. And I realize PBHD is a premium channel and it should cost extra, which they fully disclosed at sign-up time. So as long as the people with the VVV package get all channels (except PBHD) for the rest of 2004 with no price increase, there will be no complaint from The Stone Man.
New Channels

I think they should keep adding channels to the base package.....they are way behind on the number of base channels being offered by other sat. companies......what are they going to do? Make ESPN a Premium sports channel.....when every other provider makes it a base channel? They will loose me for sure then!! :mad:
JimP said:
Speaking of the free plus pack, I guess its a given that you couldn't apply that to PBHD? Anyone ask so far? :confused:

Nope. PBHD is a premium channel by itself not included in any plus pack.
I called to get a premium pack-heres the scoop. I read in SOUND+VISION that the 39.90 pack is supposed to include 1 premium. A polite woman took my info and told me she would escalate. Last nite a very serious guy calls my home and tells me S+V had no authorization to print the article and blah blah blah. He was VERY defensive. The worst thing??? THE LOUSY BUMS COULDNT EVEN OFFER ME A FREE MONTH OF ANYTHING TO MAKE UP FOR THE CONFUSION. Now, you know Dish or Direct would without a doubt, no questions asked, throw you a month or more of whatever premium you like. They would do this for 3 reasons: (1)It is the right thing and(2) once you have the pack,you just may keep it,and (3) THEY WANT TO KEEP CUSTOMERS.
Thank you for ordering VaVaVoom. Your charter member status has consequently been revoked. Have a nice day, and thank you for VOOMING with us, you piece of meat. We value each and every charter member who beta-tested our satellite service for $750. We simply just don't want to have any charter members left at all within 3 months since they seem to expect things more than others like good service and living up to our promises. So it really is better just to get rid of them and have them in the same group of normal subscribers. They can sit right next to the poor souls they told to get VOOM because of our customer service and our progressive ideas. Hahahahha. Charter members think they are so cutting edge, and now they are on the cutting edge of getting screwed by Cablevision's newest incarnation of dread, VOOM.

Eric (VOOM charter member)
hogdog said:
Thank you for ordering VaVaVoom. Your charter member status has consequently been revoked. Have a nice day, and thank you for VOOMING with us, you piece of meat. We value each and every charter member who beta-tested our satellite service for $750. We simply just don't want to have any charter members left at all within 3 months since they seem to expect things more than others like good service and living up to our promises. So it really is better just to get rid of them and have them in the same group of normal subscribers. They can sit right next to the poor souls they told to get VOOM because of our customer service and our progressive ideas. Hahahahha. Charter members think they are so cutting edge, and now they are on the cutting edge of getting screwed by Cablevision's newest incarnation of dread, VOOM.

Eric (VOOM charter member)
Interesting points you make!

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