I've purchased quite a few old series DVD's from a Canadian company
www.visualentertainment.tv/ and the quality was good. I picked up The Snoop Sisters and Bizarre with John Byner and the late Super Dave. Seems they are able to get the rights for a limited production because Bizarre is no longer available. If you see it and want it better buy it now.
That's the name of the company, yep from Canada, they're the ones who released Barnaby Jones all seasons.
My comment on Barnaby Jones is that the quality of the episodes that they got for seasons 2-8 is really poor when compared
to the remastered quality of the season 1 officially released by CBS.
I've also got me the Snoop Sisters, that was a great short-lived show from the NBC Mystery Movie wheel.
I also got my hands on McMillan and Wife released by them and this show was also from the old NBC Mystery movie line up.
Other than that, and as I was interested in some old shows I had to struggle to get my hands on:
Madigan - Also from the NBC Mystery lineup - Not released in the US, so I got the DVD's from a French company.
McCloud - Not released on DVD in the US, only by an Australian company and a Nordic one, real hard to get, I did some magic to get me
one Australian season, another season from the Norwegian DVD'S, , and the rest from a collector.
Mrs Columbo, - yep, this one not released ever in the US, but I was able to get from a French company that released the full short series.
The Law and Harry McGraw, never released in the US, only in Australia and France, I was able to get the French DVD's
Amy Prentiss - A spinoff from Ironside, the first episode was only released on VHS tape in the UK, I got this one from a collector in the UK.
Other shows that I struggled to get because they've never been released on DVD (unless this has happened in the last year or so):
Christine Cromwell (with Jaclyn Smith) - from the ABC Saturday Mystery Movie (that also featured in its lineup the renewed Columbo and Kojak).
Was able to get the 4 episodes from a collector.
Cool Million another short-lived one from NBC Mystery Movie, got this one from a collector.
Hec Ramsey - also from the first NBC Mystery movie shows, and oh man I think this one was great. not released ever on DVD, not anywhere, I had to get this one from a collector, in very poor quality.
And another one:
The Bold Ones, (from NBC) this one I remember was still aired on RTN (later known as RTV), this one I originally got from a collector, then it was later released on DVD by another one of those companies (that I call semi-pirate), but here's the downside also, I was watching The Senator on the DVD'S released by this company and the episodes are edited, missing about 4 minutes of each episode,
Oh and I just remembered another one:
Get Christie Love - (a short lived one from ABC), which was great IMO, this one if my memory serves me right came out on TV same year as Amy Prentiss (NBC), and Police Woman (NBC), and Charlie's Angels - 1976 if I'm correct that was the year the women took a more prominent role on cop and detective TV shows,
This one never released on DVD's got it from a collector. who recorded it when it was aired on Centric on the anniversary of the show, and to my understanding it has never or very rarely aired again.