Curious what discounts customers have been able to score for Center Ice this year. I'll be trying later today. Post your results here.
Did you have it last year and call about cancellation or what?
Ah, you threw me, I have seen many end up with NFL like that, straight up zero, and even a few with MLB over the years. I've never seen anyone post that for NHL, or even a discount tied to NHL. Many get other discounts 'partnered' with it, like $15 off the base package to keep NHL, but haven't seen any that were strictly NHL discounts.
Yea I get all the sports packages at 0.00, just had NBA added to my recent activity, It depends on what is in season or starting soon. I could show pictures of everything but yea, point is that no one else will get my package except hutch lol.
.... For all to be jealous of.....
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I do wish I had the new 44 though
Don't understand why the wont let HSP have them. Well, unless you had one previously before going HSP.
What is HSP?
In August I called and got discounts applied to my account for subscribing to NFL Sunday Ticket again this year. Do you think they'll give me any further deals if I call regarding NHL Center Ice?
Limited time offer