Good to know! Thanks. I wish they'd notify us about this stuff, like they used to. What's the point of the messages in the info bar?
They do, email, in messages on your TV, and you can always find that type of info HERE !
Yes, here, a far more reliable place for Directv information than Directv itself. One of the best sites on the Interweb. The only emails I get from Directv are during NFL season (The weekly "this is what's on and what channel" email) and frequent and annoying "these are what movies are on PPV and what's new on Audience" emails. Is there a place to sign up for sports emails? I haven't seen a message on my Genie ever! And when I had HR24/H25, the messages only showed up on the H25.
Having at least one HD feed of every game possible is a big improvement if they keep it up.
According to it is during the season. I wasn't even getting a picture on it until the season started.I never knew CI included NHL network. It wasn't in the past. Maybe you were given wrong info by CS.
AFAIK they're 2 completely different entities.
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