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Nimiq 4 going in service is a good thing for Eastern Arc? | SatelliteGuys.US

Nimiq 4 going in service is a good thing for Eastern Arc?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 29, 2004
Ok hear me out on this one,

Everyone over in the Canadian form that is on the south side of the boarder is pretty mad that the new Nimiq 4 satellite taht just wen't into service has a very narrow ConCan beam. I can understand their frustration as the 82w orbital location has all of the HD programming on BellTV (formerly Expressvu). But the more I think about this, the more I think it is probably a good thing for Dish Network subscribers. The one missing piece of Eastern Arc is the 77w satellite. Echostar 8 is on its way over there but has yet to be given permission by the FCC to transmit there (they only have permission to move it there). One of the main concerns was that there could be interfernece between 77w and 82w due to the 4.5degree seperation. With Nimiq 4 having such a tight beam though, 77w can be pointed more to the north (incline perhaps) and more of ConUS can get use of all three Eastern Arc satellites. Of course, this does not mean National channels will go on 77w, but they could maybe move some locals off of 61.5 and over to 77, putting nationals there instead.

Any thoughts?
Dish installer told me everything would be moved from 61.5 to 118 at some time in the future, so that one dish with pick up all their programing.

Huh. Only internationals are moving off 61.5. Were talking about 77W, where Echostar 8 is headed.

Anyway, it will help eliminate interference for the US. So long as it doesn't interfere with Canada.
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I don't think Nimiq 4's tight CONCanada beam will have any affect on the coverage pattern of E-8 at 77 W. Dish still needs to have coverage of Mexico so I doubt E-8 will be tilted to the north. Regardless, even if E-8 was tilted, it still would not have full CONUS coverage for parts of the Eastern Arc so no national programming will be put on it.

I was thinknig that perhaps Dish could lease the satellite that Nimiq 4 is replacing at 82 W to perhaps help out E-3 at 61.5 W to provide signal from the four TPs that neither E-3 or E-12 can do. I think though that Bell is/was leasing an old DirecTV satellite or Bell wants a backup there.
I don't think Nimiq 4's tight CONCanada beam will have any affect on the coverage pattern of E-8 at 77 W. Dish still needs to have coverage of Mexico so I doubt E-8 will be tilted to the north. Regardless, even if E-8 was tilted, it still would not have full CONUS coverage for parts of the Eastern Arc so no national programming will be put on it. ------.

Echostar 8 has essentially full consus at 77W (only missing the tip of Maine). A separate beam serves DishMexico so that is not a factor.
I think Dish must prove they can operate a satellite at 77W without affecting any other satellite, whether that satellite is providing coverage in the US or not. After all, these satellites and orbital slots are re-purposed all the time.

I think Dish must prove they can operate a satellite at 77W without affecting any other satellite, whether that satellite is providing coverage in the US or not. After all, these satellites and orbital slots are re-purposed all the time.


And that is why I think the tight beam on Nimiq 4 is key for Echostar 8. Better chance of no interference between the 77w and 82w slots with a smaller beam coming off of 82w.
And that is why I think the tight beam on Nimiq 4 is key for Echostar 8. Better chance of no interference between the 77w and 82w slots with a smaller beam coming off of 82w.

I see a multinational alliance developing. We are starting to see Ciel(SES) and Quezsat(SES) and Telesat and Dish coordinating and sharing their bandwidth. If you have the lease on a slot and are a member of the "team" that is coordinating and sharing, you can use the "tweener" slots at the 4.5 degree spacing and add huge amounts of North American capacity.
And that is why I think the tight beam on Nimiq 4 is key for Echostar 8. Better chance of no interference between the 77w and 82w slots with a smaller beam coming off of 82w.

But my point was, what if Nimiq 4 needs to cover North America at a later date? This would greatly impact the financial viability of that satellite, with coverage limited to Canada.

But my point was, what if Nimiq 4 needs to cover North America at a later date? This would greatly impact the financial viability of that satellite, with coverage limited to Canada.


I highly doubt there is sufficient power to cover the US and Canada at the same time with 32 TPs. Perhaps there is another beam for the US that could be used later in the event of leasing?
Nimiq 2 did it.


At the expense of Canadian power. From what I read, while US customers have lost signal, Canadian viewers are pegging 100 of their signal strength.

I think it would be cool if Bell and Dish could eventually share a satellite for mutually carried programming, but I doubt it will ever happen. As such, its better to keep their beams tight.
Dish installer told me everything would be moved from 61.5 to 118 at some time in the future, so that one dish with pick up all their programing.
I just love it when the clueless try to appear knowledgable..Unless that tech has been to meetings the rest of us are not privy to, I'd say he's full or crapola.
That is based on what I see here on this site ..if it's gonna happen, this place will announce it.

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