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no power from receiver to lnb | SatelliteGuys.US

no power from receiver to lnb

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Original poster
Oct 31, 2012
Hi all. Wondering if.someone can help me out. My.sonicview 360e all the.Sudden stopped getting signal and quality. Tried all kinds of.settings even hooked up a diferent receiver and it.did.get signal. So, it.appears that the part that sends power to lnb is not working. My question is what options might I have being that, I have.other receivers, pansat and viewsat , to make my sonicview work. Also, can the part that is bad be replaced? Where can I order part and replace?. Thanks so much.
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You can try looping through, but would get aggravating as you would only get H or V depending how the other rx is set. Pop the top and see if ant caps in PS look poped or swollen.
There IS an option to turn on/off LNB power, but I willl assume you have that set correctly in the receiver configuration.
IT does pay to double check. :)

If the receiver has actually failed, then components surrounding the LNB power regulator *may* be at fault.
There should be a 3-terminal regulator on the receiver board
Usually, it's black, epoxy,and has a metal tab bolted to a heatsink, or the chassis.
If you post some (good) pictures and we can locate the part, we might come up with some ideas to test it.

Alternately, as ke4est mentioned above, the problem is just as likely to be on separate power supply board.
One tell-tale sign is leaking or bulging-top capacitors.
These are little vertical cylinders, with two leads at the bottom, going into the board.
They're normally crimped shut and flat on the top.
If bulging, or leaking from the bottom, that's a clue.
(not to be confused by sloppily-applied glue to hold them in place!) . ;)
I have a sonicview 360 premier had the same problems what I did was just reset the box turn it off then turn it back on. It works I was on galaxy 19 and KTV 1,2,3 wouldn't come in check my 1000 in the living room it was picking up just fine. I also lost other channels like Russia today so just turn it off and on.

Dan Rose
thanks. i did check to make sure lnb option is set to on.
how do yu do the loop method?

i have no way to take picture and post. sorry. i did take the cover off and looked at the insides. there is no swelling or leaks of anything on the caps. can someone post what the power source for the LNB might look like and where i can order that particular part ? i think if i can see what i'm looking for then i can point out the part that may be bad with cover off the receiver. i do see some cylinder looking things, some plate looking things, and such but not sure what i'm looking for.
HAM operator, huh? i did a google search on HAM operator but i wouldn't know what to do with this thing. thanks for the tip though.

i there someone who can guide me in the right direction on how to replace/repair this lnb power supply? can someone share on how to do the loop method..thanks and sorry, i am very new to this kind of stuff, not very tech savvy. i wish i could just buy new receiver but just don't have the $$.
Did you test the voltage on the SAT IN port? Is it outputting 18vdc on a horizontal transponder and 13vdc on a vertical (+/- 10%)?

The voltage regulator IC will look like this.
Do you have a voltage tester to check the DC voltage? If not, no use in going any further as you would not be able to determine if the IC is working or being fed the correct voltage.

Loop method would be to connect a working receiver to the LNB, tune both receivers to the same channel and connect the loop out of the working receiver to the Sat IN on the malfunctioning receiver (or use a splitter if no loop through).

If the malfunctioning receiver works when the working receiver is providing power to the LNB, then you know that your receiver is either not configured properly in the menus or has a failure preventing the unit to power the LNB.
thanks for response

ok. checked the ic. there are two of them. the one closest to the chassis as i touched the fist prong, i guess the positive, it reads 0.00 dc ma. the middle one also 0.00 dc ma. the next one , i guess the negative reads -6.9 dc ma.

now the other ic which is right next to the other one, the positive prong reads 18 dc ma, the middle is 0.00 dc ma and the next one, reads -18 dc ma .

i should mentiion that when i first tested the first one, as i touched the positive prong it read really high, like way past 30's. then when i touched the negative prong smoke came out...hope i didn't fry the recievr. it still fucntioning, power on, and everything.

also, the radings were pretty much the same on both vertical and horizontal settings. i knew i was on vertical or horizontal settings by going to satelite settings and switching back and forth to v and h transponders.

so with this info, i guess one of the ic's is bad? but if one is good, then wouldn't receiver work if i hooked up the coax cable to the good side ?

what might my options be at this time to fix this issue? thanks again.
You have your meter set to read current not voltage. you are essentially shorting the point to ground. Smoke is not a good thing.
There aren't positive and negative posts on voltage regulators. The negative is the receiver chassis and the positive are the three legs. There is never a zero or negative voltage on the voltage regulator IC. The power supply or components feeding power to the IC may have failed.

Smoke is never a good thing. You may have damaged additional components. It is best that you put the cover back on rather than proceed and risk more damage or worse!

The IC voltage regulator for the tuner will typically read 24vdc on the center leg and reduced voltages on the left / right legs that will depend on the selected polarity.
well, since i would otherwise be using receiver for a door stop, i retested on appropriate settings. i used dc voltage this time, the one with symbol of solid line and broeken line. the reason i used previous settings is i thought the symbols from multimeter and he sybmol behind receiver where coax cables go in had to match.

anyway, i'm not getting the readings that i should. the ic closest to chassis middle leg i get 0 reading. right leg gets about 7.9 and left gets 0. on other ic right leg gets about 25, middle o and left 1.259.

i would say both ic's need to be replaced? assuming nothing else was damaged from the smoke, and i'm willing to take a chance that nothing else is damaged: can i order this ic parts? where can i get them from? please if some one can let me know. if that is not possible, then i'll just consider thi s receiver a loss and move on thanks again.
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