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no satellite signal with direct tv slimline dish!! | SatelliteGuys.US

no satellite signal with direct tv slimline dish!!

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Original poster
Dec 9, 2010
i have the slimline 5s(swm) all settings are set to my area (azim, elev, tilt). I have a hd h24-200 receiver. Satellite is mounted sturdy and level. the single line is going from the dish to a dc power pass. out to just the one reciever. i am new to this so i was wondering if i had something wrong with the configuration. any replies would be greatly appriciated as i have not had cable tv in a month.
i cant find tune the dish because the receiver wont locate a signal at all. i have all zeros on all transponders. is their something special you have to do with the dc power pass spliter?is my config correct? i am lost!
Are you pointing the dish at the 101 satellite?

BTW, :welcome to Satelliteguys!
If the mast is plumb and the tilt and elevations are set according to your location you should be able to move the azimuth until you get some signal on 101.
Then adjust from there.
You have to have your power inserter to work. You need to go from the dish to you splitter then through your power inserter into the receiver. With just one receiver there realy is no need for a spitter. Just go from dish to ground block to power inserter to receiver.
my friend gave me the dish when he moved and i thought the receiver powered the dish. could you explain where the 21v power inserter goes. that is probably what i am missing and why i am getting no signal at all.
With all other DTV rigs the receiver does power the LNB. With the SWM the power inserter powers the LNB...LOOK AT POST#8. Try a re set up and make sure the mast is

As Red Green said, "we are all in this together." This could be the most fun you have ever had without usin ductape.

Report success,

Wait a minute, you don't need duct tape to install a dish? :eek: ;)
I've been going at this all wrong! :D
Duct tape is attach an old Hughes to a yard sale 12" TV for tuning. It is used to bundle sat lines to look like a down spout. It is used to repair knee blowouts & crawl space rips in jackets. After telling kids not to touch your tools once you can use ductape to keep their ass in a chair until you leave. It is never used in dish installation except when bolting to dead cars and trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,,unless you just can't help yourself.

Even though Red Green's works have been suppressed in this industry I still support many of his positions. What would we do without the insight that, "If no smoke or water comes out of the hole when you put your drill down ya probably got 'er"? His reasons for pissing in the gutter after running the cable in there are sound. His analysis of dead cars as potential dish mounting locations is being reexamined in certain markets. Every time I mount a dish on an old C Band rig I know Red would be proud.
I can now look a manager in the eye and declare my company shirt is on under the snow suite. I can assure a customer that the dead puppy in the driveway was that way when I arrived without blinking. As Red would say, "what they can't prove won't hurt ya."

We are all professionals here.

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I think my favorite Red Green is when he duct taped two cars together. The front half of two cars!!!!
That kind of thing is only to be attempted by professionals. I did get an offer to bolt an 18" round to the roof of a VW bug body. The guy had cut the car at the door line and built it above the hitch and gas delivery tank on his mobile home. And yes, the pop rivets that held the VW bug body to the trailer side were waterproofed with....wait for it...ductape. Being the professional in the transaction I had to use a pole on that one; the VW body half was too shaky....but it was a cool one!

Red could have made it work.

I'm new to this so please help me out. I have the same set-up except I have the power inserter. Do you have to have the splitter for a single reciever or can it be connected direct to the dish and reciever ? Any help would be appreciated.
I'm new to this so please help me out. I have the same set-up except I have the power inserter. Do you have to have the splitter for a single reciever or can it be connected direct to the dish and reciever ? Any help would be appreciated.

First off, :welcome to Satelliteguys!

If you have only one receiver/dvr, then you don't need a splitter, but you do need the power inserter. Otherwise you will burn out the power supply in the receiver/dvr.
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